Hey everyone, I have really missed you!
Okay so I don't have a bunch of stuff to tell you just that I am readjusting to life as best I can. My hair is growing back out and I can't wait to be able to braid it again! Again I am hooked on playing Xbox, right now I am addicted to Soul Caliber V. I have got into a thing of tattooing myself, it helps me relax, just grab a sewing needle, India ink, hydrogen peroxide and a pencil and off I go sticking myself. I don't recommend it, I am just crazy and lucky that I keep things clean and had no problems with healing etc. Thanksgiving soon, so happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I got another new pet. I have always wanted a rabbit and I went to the shelter and there she was, Ginny! She is so sweet and cuddly, I really love her. She is so calming and peaceful. :)
My life is pretty boring right now so I don't have too much to write. Watching Doctor Who again and the 50th special was amazing!!!
So that is boring, old me for now. I will leave you with some pictures as usual.
Love to all, be safe and happy and if you are not I am sending you warm thoughts. xox
Beautiful Ginny!Asleep with Gary and Bonnie on top of me.
Racing! I am on the Grey Pony bareback :)