I have wanted to write this blog for a while and since this insomnia and depression is keeping me awake I thought it might be interesting to talk about my tattoos and what they all mean to me.
My tattoos are personal to me and represent my journey through life. I always draw my own tattoos and my artist might make a few changes sometimes to make them look a little better (I can't draw to well) I have had quite a lot of shit about my tattoos in the past (youtube trolls) but I wear them proudly and I would like to explain the meaning behind each and every one. Pictures included!
I will talk about my smaller pieces first then go into all the details of my sleeve, my sleeve is the spiritual side of me so there is quite a bit to explain.
This tattoo means a lot to me. My attitude in life is just what it says around my tattoo "be the change you want to see in the world". If just one of us makes a small change to make the world better than it can make an impact, an impact that you may not even realize. Just to give someone a smile can change their whole day and then in turn they will change another persons day.

I am a very spiritual person and I hold many Buddhist beliefs. The eternal knot in very simple terms represents no beginning and no end and compassion. The quote (my own handwriting, all my tattoos with writing is my own writing) is very important to me, it is again another quote I live by in many ways. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" The picture isn't the best and my tattoo does need to be touched up.

I made this quote up myself. I had a dream one time and a person in my dream told me a few things and I came to an understanding about life. Quite a few people think it's morbid but quite to the contrary. If we stop fearing death we live, in death there is always new growth and birth, death is not the end of anything by far, we find a new life within death. I could go much more into detail, it is part of my heart and mind. Again my own handwriting.

This is my meditating lady who is practicing energy work. I wanted her to look really simple, with just the blue energy in her hands and a blue glow around her. In the future I am going to add flowers and vines going down my ribs alongside her. I meditate almost daily and I have been practicing energy work for as long as I can remember. I have a long family history of energy workers/healers. She represents my family history and myself.

This tattoo is about the connection I feel with animals, how we walk beside them, grow with them and earn each others love and respect.

Before and after. My first tattoo when I was 17 and stupid. When I was 17 the trend was "tramp stamps" and I wanted one. I didn't even pick the tattoo. I walked into the shop and didn't know what I wanted only that I wanted a lower back tattoo. The tattooist went through one of the books with me and pointed to this one and said "that's nice, lets do this one". He messed it up big time, it was a horrible experience, painful and he went so deep he left so much scar tissue. Nearly 10 years later I finally got the courage to get it fixed up. I wanted it covered with something else but the ink was too deep and red is hard to cover. So my tattoo artist made it bigger, made the roses look right and put some more roses in. Added the ivy and the blue and put a little peace sign at the bottom. I think it looks so much better. I don't regret the tattoo, it taught me a lot and in the end I could add a little of myself into the tattoo. A good learning experience for myself.

Now my sleeve. There is so much in it and I will try and describe every detail I can.
My two girls. This tattoo is really meaningful to me. It took me a long time to really come up with a design to represent what this tattoo means to me. I had a very abusive childhood. The two girls are both me, little me and big me. To this day I still struggle with learning to love the little girl that went through all the abuse and trauma, I detach myself from her to deal with the pain and this tattoo signifies us both coming together and being as one. The butterflies signify the hope and also the fragility of life. The Leo symbol because we (me) am a Leo. Underneath is says (again my writing) "we are separate but we are one"

Ever since I can remember I have always been in love with the Tudor period in history and several years ago I found out that I am in fact related to the Howards, also being English it is a big part of me and I love my family history. I can go more in depth with this tattoo, it has a very deep spiritual meaning for me but for now I will just keep it simple. I drew up a portrait that represented Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard and Lady Jane Grey. Always true Queens in my eyes who had a terrible, tragic ending, but they will forever live on. Next to the portrait is the Tudor Rose. Slightly above is "Ad vitam aeternam" which translates to "to eternal life" Also near my portrait is a block and axe to represent their fate but I didn't want it morbid. Ivy is woven round the handle of the axe and around the block. Just above it is the Egyptian Ankh. I am sure I don't need to explain the reason behind it. The Sun is also very important to me. The giver of life, we cannot exist without it, it is also the symbol of Leo. It is always a new day when the sun lights the sky.

Sorry I could not get a good quality picture of this with my phone. My Grandpa died on the 4th of July 2011. The quote says "white in his hair and gold in his heart" that is exactly who my grandpa was. The sun is shining over the quote but it is hard to see in the picture and it needs touching up. I still see him every now and again, he is my hero and always will be.

The Amnesty International candle. My dream is to work with them someday, they make the world a better place. The candle represents all I am and all I want to be. I don't think I need to explain more about this tattoo but it is the most import tattoo I will ever have.

This is Charlie my Owl and spirit guide. I would constantly have dreams about an owl and sometimes have strange messages. One day I woke up and decided I had to have him tattooed on me. Some people think that the owl is the harbinger of death but I believe totally the opposite. The owl is an extremely spiritual animal and helps with the transition of life to death, guides souls to the right place and will look after and protect those on the other side. Full of wisdom, look to the owl for guidance and I am sure you will find it. I have wiccan/pagan beliefs too so that is why I have the pentagram, it offers my protection and guidance.

I have the word strength tattooed here as I do cut (not so often anymore) it is a reminder to stay strong, why I am here, my journey and spiritual side. Notice it is at the bottom of my sleeve, it is almost the starting point.

I have always wanted a Rosary tattooed on my wrist but I wanted mine different, you know I am a very spiritual person so the rosary represents many aspects of my spiritual life. Along with the beads that make up the rosary are also ivy leaves (I will explain the significance of the ivy later) then where the medal is supposed to be I have an acorn then a simple cross. The acorn to me represents the soul, the beginnings of life, what we are going to grow into.

This is my ghost. I have been able to see spirits my whole life that is the first reason she is there. The second is she is at the beginning of my sleeve. I believe in reincarnation, we were in spirit form before human form and then the cycle ends then continues again. During that process we learn and grow, our soul becomes wiser. Also I am a paranormal investigation so she represents that side of me also.

My little black cat. Myself and my best friend wanted something to represent our friendship so we decided on us both having a black cat in the same spot on our arm. We loves cats and we are both spiritual. I named my cat Karma and she reminds me of many things. Myself and my friend are not friends anymore but we had a very deep friendship. I will never regret our cat, it was a good time in our lives and everything happens for a reason.

My strange shaped heart surrounded by ivy and the word compassion in the middle. This was the first part of my sleeve. At first it was messed up and it had to be fixed up a few times. The meaning is important though. Compassion for everyone is what I strive for in life. Understanding of others is very important in life, everyone has a story and we all want the same things in life, to be accepted and loved, we just go about trying to get those things in different ways. We all need to look after one another or the human race will fail.

The meaning of my ivy. Ivy is a very strong plant, have you noticed how you can cut it and cut it and you have thought you have got rid of it and then it comes back. It is strength and new growth. It will climb without stopping and keep growing, it survives. I feel like I am a survivor and I have refused to be cut down, I will always grow back in one way or another. Ivy, very important to my soul.
I hope you have enjoyed my blog and thank you for reading it. I have many more tattoos planed, I have loads drawn up, some are 3 years old and haven't had them done yet. My tattoos inspire me everyday. I am looking forward to reading your comments and please feel free to share some of your tattoo stories, I will be very interested in hearing about them. Thank you everyone and please be safe out there.
My new set has just come out in member review, please take a look and give it some love, I will be very grateful to you all
Wherefore art thou
My tattoos are personal to me and represent my journey through life. I always draw my own tattoos and my artist might make a few changes sometimes to make them look a little better (I can't draw to well) I have had quite a lot of shit about my tattoos in the past (youtube trolls) but I wear them proudly and I would like to explain the meaning behind each and every one. Pictures included!

I will talk about my smaller pieces first then go into all the details of my sleeve, my sleeve is the spiritual side of me so there is quite a bit to explain.
This tattoo means a lot to me. My attitude in life is just what it says around my tattoo "be the change you want to see in the world". If just one of us makes a small change to make the world better than it can make an impact, an impact that you may not even realize. Just to give someone a smile can change their whole day and then in turn they will change another persons day.

I am a very spiritual person and I hold many Buddhist beliefs. The eternal knot in very simple terms represents no beginning and no end and compassion. The quote (my own handwriting, all my tattoos with writing is my own writing) is very important to me, it is again another quote I live by in many ways. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" The picture isn't the best and my tattoo does need to be touched up.

I made this quote up myself. I had a dream one time and a person in my dream told me a few things and I came to an understanding about life. Quite a few people think it's morbid but quite to the contrary. If we stop fearing death we live, in death there is always new growth and birth, death is not the end of anything by far, we find a new life within death. I could go much more into detail, it is part of my heart and mind. Again my own handwriting.

This is my meditating lady who is practicing energy work. I wanted her to look really simple, with just the blue energy in her hands and a blue glow around her. In the future I am going to add flowers and vines going down my ribs alongside her. I meditate almost daily and I have been practicing energy work for as long as I can remember. I have a long family history of energy workers/healers. She represents my family history and myself.

This tattoo is about the connection I feel with animals, how we walk beside them, grow with them and earn each others love and respect.

Before and after. My first tattoo when I was 17 and stupid. When I was 17 the trend was "tramp stamps" and I wanted one. I didn't even pick the tattoo. I walked into the shop and didn't know what I wanted only that I wanted a lower back tattoo. The tattooist went through one of the books with me and pointed to this one and said "that's nice, lets do this one". He messed it up big time, it was a horrible experience, painful and he went so deep he left so much scar tissue. Nearly 10 years later I finally got the courage to get it fixed up. I wanted it covered with something else but the ink was too deep and red is hard to cover. So my tattoo artist made it bigger, made the roses look right and put some more roses in. Added the ivy and the blue and put a little peace sign at the bottom. I think it looks so much better. I don't regret the tattoo, it taught me a lot and in the end I could add a little of myself into the tattoo. A good learning experience for myself.

Now my sleeve. There is so much in it and I will try and describe every detail I can.
My two girls. This tattoo is really meaningful to me. It took me a long time to really come up with a design to represent what this tattoo means to me. I had a very abusive childhood. The two girls are both me, little me and big me. To this day I still struggle with learning to love the little girl that went through all the abuse and trauma, I detach myself from her to deal with the pain and this tattoo signifies us both coming together and being as one. The butterflies signify the hope and also the fragility of life. The Leo symbol because we (me) am a Leo. Underneath is says (again my writing) "we are separate but we are one"

Ever since I can remember I have always been in love with the Tudor period in history and several years ago I found out that I am in fact related to the Howards, also being English it is a big part of me and I love my family history. I can go more in depth with this tattoo, it has a very deep spiritual meaning for me but for now I will just keep it simple. I drew up a portrait that represented Anne Boleyn, Katherine Howard and Lady Jane Grey. Always true Queens in my eyes who had a terrible, tragic ending, but they will forever live on. Next to the portrait is the Tudor Rose. Slightly above is "Ad vitam aeternam" which translates to "to eternal life" Also near my portrait is a block and axe to represent their fate but I didn't want it morbid. Ivy is woven round the handle of the axe and around the block. Just above it is the Egyptian Ankh. I am sure I don't need to explain the reason behind it. The Sun is also very important to me. The giver of life, we cannot exist without it, it is also the symbol of Leo. It is always a new day when the sun lights the sky.

Sorry I could not get a good quality picture of this with my phone. My Grandpa died on the 4th of July 2011. The quote says "white in his hair and gold in his heart" that is exactly who my grandpa was. The sun is shining over the quote but it is hard to see in the picture and it needs touching up. I still see him every now and again, he is my hero and always will be.

The Amnesty International candle. My dream is to work with them someday, they make the world a better place. The candle represents all I am and all I want to be. I don't think I need to explain more about this tattoo but it is the most import tattoo I will ever have.

This is Charlie my Owl and spirit guide. I would constantly have dreams about an owl and sometimes have strange messages. One day I woke up and decided I had to have him tattooed on me. Some people think that the owl is the harbinger of death but I believe totally the opposite. The owl is an extremely spiritual animal and helps with the transition of life to death, guides souls to the right place and will look after and protect those on the other side. Full of wisdom, look to the owl for guidance and I am sure you will find it. I have wiccan/pagan beliefs too so that is why I have the pentagram, it offers my protection and guidance.

I have the word strength tattooed here as I do cut (not so often anymore) it is a reminder to stay strong, why I am here, my journey and spiritual side. Notice it is at the bottom of my sleeve, it is almost the starting point.

I have always wanted a Rosary tattooed on my wrist but I wanted mine different, you know I am a very spiritual person so the rosary represents many aspects of my spiritual life. Along with the beads that make up the rosary are also ivy leaves (I will explain the significance of the ivy later) then where the medal is supposed to be I have an acorn then a simple cross. The acorn to me represents the soul, the beginnings of life, what we are going to grow into.

This is my ghost. I have been able to see spirits my whole life that is the first reason she is there. The second is she is at the beginning of my sleeve. I believe in reincarnation, we were in spirit form before human form and then the cycle ends then continues again. During that process we learn and grow, our soul becomes wiser. Also I am a paranormal investigation so she represents that side of me also.

My little black cat. Myself and my best friend wanted something to represent our friendship so we decided on us both having a black cat in the same spot on our arm. We loves cats and we are both spiritual. I named my cat Karma and she reminds me of many things. Myself and my friend are not friends anymore but we had a very deep friendship. I will never regret our cat, it was a good time in our lives and everything happens for a reason.

My strange shaped heart surrounded by ivy and the word compassion in the middle. This was the first part of my sleeve. At first it was messed up and it had to be fixed up a few times. The meaning is important though. Compassion for everyone is what I strive for in life. Understanding of others is very important in life, everyone has a story and we all want the same things in life, to be accepted and loved, we just go about trying to get those things in different ways. We all need to look after one another or the human race will fail.

The meaning of my ivy. Ivy is a very strong plant, have you noticed how you can cut it and cut it and you have thought you have got rid of it and then it comes back. It is strength and new growth. It will climb without stopping and keep growing, it survives. I feel like I am a survivor and I have refused to be cut down, I will always grow back in one way or another. Ivy, very important to my soul.
I hope you have enjoyed my blog and thank you for reading it. I have many more tattoos planed, I have loads drawn up, some are 3 years old and haven't had them done yet. My tattoos inspire me everyday. I am looking forward to reading your comments and please feel free to share some of your tattoo stories, I will be very interested in hearing about them. Thank you everyone and please be safe out there.
My new set has just come out in member review, please take a look and give it some love, I will be very grateful to you all

Wherefore art thou
I'll admit that it worries me to see the degree of cutting
on some of the women here. So a Set with fresh scabs;
is a real 'what do I say' moment. Your "Strength" is
very hopeful, listen to it.
Horses are good to calm one down. My friends 10yr old
is quite Autistic, so tending to and riding horses has
been benificial for his development.
Still need to get a better pic. The World Serpent with the complete
FUTHARK, set on semi-prescious stones. The Raven & Wolf are
the Allvaters Huginn & Freki. I had fun doing the taper for the
knot work of the Red wurm. The Runic- Ne Tredant On Me [ from the papa bush
years] means: Don't tread on me.
I tried to get my SGname from Freki, but taken; so altered spelling and
added 42 in roman numerals.
Stay excellent.