First off, let me take the time out to thank everyone who took the time out to call me up and wish me a happy birthday. The messages were all great and helped to make me feel like I kinda made some connections tonight.
Yeah I know that this is just some Internet message board and everything but when you have nobody to call and wish you a happy birthday in your real life, messages from "strangers" on some website just seem alot more important.
Thanks again SG. You have done it. Im actually cheering up a bit (As you can see in my cheesy new profile pic). Anyway, feel free to give me a happy birthday ring whenever you feel like it too if you havent already, and hopefully with the help of my new friends here, Year 21 wont be as sad and lonely as year 20.
Yeah I know that this is just some Internet message board and everything but when you have nobody to call and wish you a happy birthday in your real life, messages from "strangers" on some website just seem alot more important.
Thanks again SG. You have done it. Im actually cheering up a bit (As you can see in my cheesy new profile pic). Anyway, feel free to give me a happy birthday ring whenever you feel like it too if you havent already, and hopefully with the help of my new friends here, Year 21 wont be as sad and lonely as year 20.


Love the new profile pic.