Hello everyone!!!!
It s been a long time since I been here, right? LOL
Actually I don t have any NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWS, still doing the same: Culinary School, working so HARD (hahaha), hanging out with my friends, etc... and tired. The reason I can never been here and answer at the time u write me on my post. Really sorry.
Ohhh...I got some news, now I remember. My friend Andrea Lavezzaro, a great phographer that is now living in Germany, is coming to Brazil and we booked a photoset. So soon I should appear here again showing something new =)
Hope u guys enjoy it.
Well, at least I'm not dead yet. hehe
Hope all you guys are good, healthy and quite sober. LOL
*All the people that has added me: THANKS alot, it s a pleasure to have u as my friends in my SGs page.
Soooo, late at night and I'm going to sleep for a while. Really need it
Kisses, hugs and some bites!
my flag....u know where, lol
promo pic for a rock band, Velocette.
Raff, the rabbit
being N.E.R.D
after classes. hehe
more friends in a dinner we've been cooking together =)
my fav. teacher, fabiano. Luv him!
It s been a long time since I been here, right? LOL
Actually I don t have any NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWS, still doing the same: Culinary School, working so HARD (hahaha), hanging out with my friends, etc... and tired. The reason I can never been here and answer at the time u write me on my post. Really sorry.
Ohhh...I got some news, now I remember. My friend Andrea Lavezzaro, a great phographer that is now living in Germany, is coming to Brazil and we booked a photoset. So soon I should appear here again showing something new =)
Hope u guys enjoy it.
Well, at least I'm not dead yet. hehe
Hope all you guys are good, healthy and quite sober. LOL
*All the people that has added me: THANKS alot, it s a pleasure to have u as my friends in my SGs page.
Soooo, late at night and I'm going to sleep for a while. Really need it

Kisses, hugs and some bites!


my flag....u know where, lol

promo pic for a rock band, Velocette.

Raff, the rabbit

being N.E.R.D

after classes. hehe

more friends in a dinner we've been cooking together =)

my fav. teacher, fabiano. Luv him!

lovely as ever!! happy you're doing well!
Sol,feliz ano novo e que em 2010 seu ano seja lindo e maravilhoso,cheio de coisas boas e alegres,que voce tenha muita saude,muito amor,muito carinho,muito sexo,muito dinheiro,conhea novos amigos e tenha muito sucesso.milhes de beijos.....