I really do need to blog more, just whenever I sit down to write one I just go blank. Dont think it helps much that I dont think people would want to hear what is going on in my mundane existance...............
The project I am on at work is gonna be mothballed in a few months. Means going back into my old role and having to work shitty shifts again
. Nothing I can do about it though so will just have to wait and see how it pans out.
Had a bit of a nightmare last weekend. I friend of mine and me sent each other some pics of each other in varous states of undress. All seemed pretty cool at the time but she has pretty much ignored me since then. Dont know what is going on now. We were really good friends and kept in touch a lot during the week either by email, FB or text but this week next to nothing. Not sure if I have blown the friendship by sharing a little too much of myself? I didnt send her anyhting that she hadnt asked for though so nto quite sure where I went wrong......... I guess the ball is in her court.
She may be at a party I am going to tonight so will find out how she is if I see her i guess.
The project I am on at work is gonna be mothballed in a few months. Means going back into my old role and having to work shitty shifts again

Had a bit of a nightmare last weekend. I friend of mine and me sent each other some pics of each other in varous states of undress. All seemed pretty cool at the time but she has pretty much ignored me since then. Dont know what is going on now. We were really good friends and kept in touch a lot during the week either by email, FB or text but this week next to nothing. Not sure if I have blown the friendship by sharing a little too much of myself? I didnt send her anyhting that she hadnt asked for though so nto quite sure where I went wrong......... I guess the ball is in her court.
She may be at a party I am going to tonight so will find out how she is if I see her i guess.
hopefully its nothing. and you didnt do anything wrong either way. so dont beat yourself up!
Thanks for the advice people, much appreciated! I guess I was just thinking the worst about the whole situation.