Tattooed, weed smoking, country girl, that wants to live in the mountains off grid and build shit 🧐... build your own Paradise live debt free! Fuck Society 🖕🏻 Looking for sails only I have had enough anchors...
My neighbor the little old man down the hill cracks me up. Last week he tells me I have a little black bear that has lived on my land for 3 years now. Then yesterday he comes over to tell me he forgot to let me know there is a mountain lion too lol. With the cliffs on my property I told him I assumed...
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I have owned a custom hot rod shop for a while now and I have lived the American dream! The house, new trucks, shop, bad ass cars, motorcycles, boats and everything else. The American dream is to get a job buy a car. Get a raise buy better car. Get a promotion go by big fancy house, get a bonus go buy a boat, and...
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