So today I was walking from my car to work (about a 15 minute walk) and I saw this couple kissing and being really happy and cute. I thought to myself, "Aww that's nice! PDA isn't so bad sometimes. They look so happy blah blah." So I continue walking and see another couple. This time on a bench making out. I continue walking and see... Read More
I was recently made aware that Madeleine L'Engle died. I love children's books and she was fantastic.
The semester has officially started. I am back to work and I got a raise
Usually around now I stop being active on SG, do my homework and drink copious amounts like any other good Penn State student. I am hoping to end this trend. Yes going out... Read More
that game [eagles] totally sucked. i was peeved. tonight's lineup isn't too interesting, but i may end up watching ravens vs. bengals.
if we lived closer i'd let you borrow heroes. i should start up my own version of netflix. people have been asking to borrow a lot of my dvds lately. and my collection isn't that great!
My grandma has had an infection for the past few weeks and its been pretty bad. We've had to wear masks and gloves and stuff. It hasn't been getting better and she's in a lot of pain so they are taking her off the antibiotics. They give her two days to two weeks once they take her off the meds. Fuck this sucks. I always... Read More
On Wednesday, there was a dreadful surprise. It was time to move out! Thankfully I know someone whose parents have a large garage and a van. I put most of the big stuff there. The rest of my junk is in my car making it rather difficult for me to drive anywhere without putting myself and others... Read More
I'm back in Philly for the weekend so tonight I went up to Doylestown with a bunch of my friends to watch this band play. They were really fun. With every new set they changed genres and costumes. It was so cool. I finally got to hang out with a lot of my gay friends from Philly too. I... Read More
What adorable animals! Having pets around is so cheering... I don't own any myself at the moment, though I'm getting two kittens soon, and I always live vicariously through friends and family that have pets.
I had this dream that I was sitting in Delores Park and you and GH were both there. You were talking to each other, only you were speaking Japanese and she was speaking ASL and yet you understood each other. It was beautiful and HOT at the same time.
I had a great time camping
It was great seeing everyone again and meeting new people
I love my trophy. I'm going to sleep with it clutched to my breast.