So I've been playing a lot of Rock Band. Shit's addicting.
My internet connection still blows. Every time I shift I get disconnected so Rock Band has been keeping me entertained instead. Our neighbors called the cops on us the other day (it was only 10:30) for a noise violation. They could have just asked us to stop.
Anyway Rock Band ... I feel bad for people who spend a lot of time with me. I tend to ramble about the same things a lot. My poor roommate knows all my stories. I look to her to do voices. Living with her and the dude on the couch wasn't the best in the beginning, but since he's been gone I've had a really good time living with her. I'm going to miss her when I move out. ugh.. Packing has begun and its awful. Gah I keep drumming my pen now while listening to music! I'm a nerd.
My internet connection still blows. Every time I shift I get disconnected so Rock Band has been keeping me entertained instead. Our neighbors called the cops on us the other day (it was only 10:30) for a noise violation. They could have just asked us to stop.

Anyway Rock Band ... I feel bad for people who spend a lot of time with me. I tend to ramble about the same things a lot. My poor roommate knows all my stories. I look to her to do voices. Living with her and the dude on the couch wasn't the best in the beginning, but since he's been gone I've had a really good time living with her. I'm going to miss her when I move out. ugh.. Packing has begun and its awful. Gah I keep drumming my pen now while listening to music! I'm a nerd.
I really enjoy Brand New. .... .... wish I could play them on Rock Band.
Guess where I'm going to be tomorrow night? EDIT: err tonight
I just realized it is 5am. I should sleep.
rock band is where its at, i try to play it as much as possible. when i hear the songs from it on the radio i start strumming along, its bad. hahaha.
see, i read cousin, and i thought cousin, and i wrote bro. whatever. here's to english. you should come up here soon! especially before it gets ass-cold!