I'm down to one week left of classes and then a week of finals. I am staying up in State College for the summer then returning to the glorious suburbs of Philadelphia. Hopefully to be attending grad school.
Currently, however, I am still ridiculously swamped with work. I just want the next two weeks to be over and my papers written and finals taken. I suppose that's too much to ask. Anyone like Palynology Sediment Core Charts? Or how about the Sahara and its rainfall over the last 9,000 years.........
edit:comic is from The Devil's Panties
I mean really, truly, the actual Gaelic pronunciation.
I got myself a "teach yourself Gaelic program" from a book store, that has a book and CD. With it came a pronunciation guide, where they gave all of the different pronunciations of all of the letters, and they went over all of them on the CD.
So I took your name and put it together phonetically and came up with something that makes a whole lot of sense.
In Gaelic, when the letter L comes between an i, e, or both it is always pronounced with a yuh sound.
Ai and oi are both dipthongs. Oi being pronounced "oh" and ai being pronounced eye. S is suh. E is uh. R is ruh.
String them all together and you have Sohreyeyuh. Soraya.
And coincidentally Soraya is an alternate of Sarah, which is the most popular name in Ireland.