so like I was saying about procrastination...
It's 32 degrees outside and we haven't turned the heat on in my apartment yet. So its about 60 degrees downstairs and colder in my room. I'm wearing my long johns already
My feet always get super cold.. poor circulation I guess.. it sucks to still be wearing my shoes and have cold feet. Man I'm a wuss. Balls. Good thing I know how to layer. Cuddle buddy? anyone? *cough*
For one of my English classes we have to do a service project related to literacy so a couple of girls and I are organizing a book drive of sorts. We haven't gotten the particulars sorted out yet, but the books will be going to an after school program for inter-city kids and a school. So if anyone in the Philadelphia area has some books for kids up to 6th grade reading level or so and wants to give them to a good cause let me know and next time I'm in town I can get them from you. We want books that are in pretty good condition.
Is it weird that I don't like to write in blue pen? or generally any color other than black?
I've been trying to eat more healthy. Have a good tasty recipe that is healthy, but does not include broccoli? Leave it here and I will make it. I'm not vegan or vegetarian so meals that include meat etc. are just fine, but if you are just dying to have me try this delicious vegan/vegetarian recipe you have I'm certainly not one to shun it. I just remembered the wonderful amount of groups we have here and am off to join some of them. I ate a plate of cookies tonight by myself so I'm obviously not doing the most amazing job at eating better, but I'm trying. I've been working on the whole don't eat 3 hours before sleep thing and I've seriously cut back my soda intake (down to one a week!) and I haven't been boozing much lately.
Someone needs to take me grocery shopping.
I'm really glad I live so far from downtown and the bars. I have to drive when I go out which leads to sobriety and no hangover. Also more money in my pocket! I'm saving so much money! I wanna get a tattoo with the money, but that's probably not a smart idea (though I need another star
Did I mention I'm happier?
It's 32 degrees outside and we haven't turned the heat on in my apartment yet. So its about 60 degrees downstairs and colder in my room. I'm wearing my long johns already

For one of my English classes we have to do a service project related to literacy so a couple of girls and I are organizing a book drive of sorts. We haven't gotten the particulars sorted out yet, but the books will be going to an after school program for inter-city kids and a school. So if anyone in the Philadelphia area has some books for kids up to 6th grade reading level or so and wants to give them to a good cause let me know and next time I'm in town I can get them from you. We want books that are in pretty good condition.
Is it weird that I don't like to write in blue pen? or generally any color other than black?
I've been trying to eat more healthy. Have a good tasty recipe that is healthy, but does not include broccoli? Leave it here and I will make it. I'm not vegan or vegetarian so meals that include meat etc. are just fine, but if you are just dying to have me try this delicious vegan/vegetarian recipe you have I'm certainly not one to shun it. I just remembered the wonderful amount of groups we have here and am off to join some of them. I ate a plate of cookies tonight by myself so I'm obviously not doing the most amazing job at eating better, but I'm trying. I've been working on the whole don't eat 3 hours before sleep thing and I've seriously cut back my soda intake (down to one a week!) and I haven't been boozing much lately.
Someone needs to take me grocery shopping.
I'm really glad I live so far from downtown and the bars. I have to drive when I go out which leads to sobriety and no hangover. Also more money in my pocket! I'm saving so much money! I wanna get a tattoo with the money, but that's probably not a smart idea (though I need another star

Did I mention I'm happier?
Question of the day: If a quiz leaves you feeling quizzical, then what do you feel after a test?
Woo bring it week from hell.
ps. I want to go to the Saosin and Thursday concerts this weekend (so that means I will be in Philly ) Anyone else?
btw - grave of the fireflies - excellent.