What do I HIGHLY recommend?
Well, next week I turn 35 and at this point in my life, I try not to let much hold me back.
So, my answer to this weeks blog hw is... be true to you, boo boo!!
I have changed careers and directions in school time that I basically have lost count. My husband and I had another kid when everyone surely thought we were crazy. We bought a house in our 20's, with one income, no savings, and 4 kids! Totally nuts.
Every time I second guess myself, my husband encourages me to do whatever the fuck I want and feel is right. The more I do, the more life I live, and the more experiences I move through, the more I learn that shit comes and goes so goddamn fast. Worrying about others opinions is the biggest waste of time.
Nothing is promised.
Book the flight, check off the bucket list, date the person your attracted to, fail at shit, win at other shit, do shit that scares the fuck out of you, be selfish and put yourself first, and any person, place, or thing that doesn't lift you up-get them the fuck out of your life.
I have done some really stupid shit in my life. And the stuff I didn't do is what I truly regret.
Speaking of young and stupid Soiled... here's some picture for you to laugh at with me!
I swear, my hair has been every color and style in the last 20 years!