this is my last entry
.......Its been fun

my path takes my elsewhere now
I know that this is for the best
those who know me will know how to contact me

I know my renewed focus will harness my discipline towards a progression that is long over due

I know what I must do now

Stuck in the grip of the city

I still digg that hook
Well now Ima werkin on scrubbin down this new cd for this weekend @ tha coast. Everyone @ tha office is so stoked about it. Today a temp came in to help out & she was cute. Turns out I left tha office fer a while & when I came back she...
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dude this sux I wrote a whole grip o shit & all I get is this shit cuttin me off @"THErapist" joke being unfinished...ugh. I sleep now this bores me.

[Edited on Sep 08, 2003]
what happened to you100%?
o well if ya like you could leave your email & i'll get back @ cha.
anywho this is the start of an exciting week, for this weekend I get to go to the coast & chill oooo so nicey...all paid for by tha Corp.(my ceo rawks,no really)
an all paid exclusive trip to manzanita beach, staying at a huge house...
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would'nt it be nice to get paid for just being alive...Im sure somewhere thats happening. Hmm coolest job ever...I would have to say its a toss up between work @ "The art store" right off broadway in the ville(NYC) in the graphics dept.(I met & helped artists all day & got huge discounts on supplies.) or working @ the 1201 club, where for about 6...
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you are right about the whole lightening up thing. I think I might have done just that today, or atleast made progress. My "heavy heart" is still there, but I can atleast find distractions.

and yes it would be wonderful to get paid for just..being here. I need to find me one of those :o)
& get this thats just oner of the most prominent figures in the cultures that bflung open sutures to get such a sweat syndrome
floated the pain alll away
my here say
go forth & par-lay
as it were
the blur
do get me thru
the ephipahny
so I can recoprd
this bard in a sick ass session
my omissin
is tha omni...
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i just stepped on zen's foot
but he doesnt know who did it
that's what i've been saying this whole time.........hehehehehehe
Thar sound pirate strikes again ARRR!!!

Damm! just spent tha WHOLE saturday scrubbin this cd to perfection. So now I think its ready to do things with, cant really say what things as for I am sworn to secrecy.( & death skull ! )

So now Im gonna get my grubbin, drinkin, smokin on while I scrutinize tha hell outta it, then Ima hit up a Barbie-Q....aaah...
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I just went to the motha of them all outdoor parties.....................damm I should get some sleep. skull
i miss all the good parties damn it...
Whatta week
I am soo stoked to go to this outdoor jammy jam up in some forest witt other hundreds of mama earth's kiddz ooo aaarobotbokEL SUICIDO LOCOoinkmiao!!pukeARRR!!!skullkissopenin their lidz midz-to tha highs recognize the surprise of centerized celebrate-in liftin a heavy burden worthy of mention manufacturin consent thro a vent way more bent from the vibration that was lent from tha loud of tha crowd came forth...
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No doubt no doubt!
Dis sound pirate done went unda a different alias just to put out a track ona compalation. Lots of stolen samples( Some I made too OK ) but fuck it I made it sound like my own maddness made those samples just for that song( Tha Few ). He said" make it under 5 mins."
(I made it 4:59.00)The hard...
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lame i miss last night.....how was it?
I loved that set!
It was such an intimate vibe witt all who been in attendence : flip-in out rightly.
You would had dugg it 4 sure.

[Edited on Jul 13, 2003]
Today is a day I celebrate my freedom from closedmindedness.
I open the opportunity to new experiences
Today is a day I celebrate in dance & song
Today is a day where the night will be long
........time to blow shit up
hahahaha how was your 4th celebrations?? i was stuck at work frown
cant take tha heat get naked!
that's funny...what if the thief is a man...you're in deep trouble then...hahahaha
Then he is cuz ya dont mess witt angry screaming nekkid people; they fuck shit up!
I imprint a stint
a tint bright as white
I might, naw I will
chill for tha whole entire night
instill a timefill
site to behold
for I've been told
I gotta mold
my mainframe into a game thats untold
how bold
to go against
the dense sense
I hear & react
placing myself where I wanna be at

I can relate
at least...
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