Have to tell you a little more about that ride home today.
Got out of work with thunder and lighting all around me. Two choices 1) go back in side and wait it out or 2) make a 20 mile run for it. I decided to make a dash for home. The storm was coming from the other direction thought I could make it. I realize the 70mph in nothing for most bikes but for my 74 sporty 70mph has allways been about the fastest I go. Well with this storm coming and all the lighting I pushed it.
Took the first third of the ride on a highway at 90mph then the next third was on a 2 lane road. Thats when it got exciting the rain had not started yet but the sky was black. There was a SUV about 15 feet in front of me when I heard a thunder clap right by me not in any direction but everywhere. The hair on my arms stood straight up I could feal the ecectricty all around me, and I saw in the rear window of the SUV a 6 inch wide reflection of a lighting bolt, Damn that was close. Decided at that point to cut the ride short and head for my parents house. One minute later I was pul;ling into their driveway. My Dad saw me coming so he opened the garage door the rain started about 10 feet from the door. My shirt got alittle wet not to bad. as I turned to look outside the rain was coming down in bucket with hail the size of marbles. I had just made it and damn that was fun but once was enough atleast for this weekend. This weekend can only get better with a start like that.
Got out of work with thunder and lighting all around me. Two choices 1) go back in side and wait it out or 2) make a 20 mile run for it. I decided to make a dash for home. The storm was coming from the other direction thought I could make it. I realize the 70mph in nothing for most bikes but for my 74 sporty 70mph has allways been about the fastest I go. Well with this storm coming and all the lighting I pushed it.
Took the first third of the ride on a highway at 90mph then the next third was on a 2 lane road. Thats when it got exciting the rain had not started yet but the sky was black. There was a SUV about 15 feet in front of me when I heard a thunder clap right by me not in any direction but everywhere. The hair on my arms stood straight up I could feal the ecectricty all around me, and I saw in the rear window of the SUV a 6 inch wide reflection of a lighting bolt, Damn that was close. Decided at that point to cut the ride short and head for my parents house. One minute later I was pul;ling into their driveway. My Dad saw me coming so he opened the garage door the rain started about 10 feet from the door. My shirt got alittle wet not to bad. as I turned to look outside the rain was coming down in bucket with hail the size of marbles. I had just made it and damn that was fun but once was enough atleast for this weekend. This weekend can only get better with a start like that.

Glad your okay. Drive safe.