Sorry all been really busy with work. The generator on my bike went try to find a generator for a 74 Iron head sporty that was a real bitch. Did make it to the Riverhead Blues fest it was awesome.
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
Hi all been busy working nothing to update not much to say. But did … -
Monday Sep 26, 2005
well it is over what ever it was broke the past weekend. Sinus infect… -
Monday Sep 12, 2005
3 days of suffering and then I find out my dentist was wrong not a gu… -
Friday Sep 09, 2005
Damn this weekend is going to sux Bike in the shop. Low grade fever w… -
Monday Aug 29, 2005
Great weekend Camping with the kids. We saw a natural set of caves ca… -
Friday Aug 26, 2005
Have a great weekend all. It's 4 am and I'm heading out to Hershey P… -
Wednesday Aug 24, 2005
Two more days till I take the rugrats camping At Hershey Park, two m… -
Sunday Aug 21, 2005
What a weekend FridayRoad to a place called Nautical Mile in Freeport… -
Tuesday Aug 16, 2005
What a day can you believe someone paid me to set up a Dell computer.… -
Monday Aug 15, 2005
Not much happening here got a couple of computer repair jobs coming u…
And I found a store down here (about 30 miles away) that has it. So, hopefully I will find time later this week to go check it out.