i bet people in kentucky get bored and probably like to fuck a lot.

going to see The Life Aquatic on Tuesday. HOT!
i love wes anderson. i love bill murray. i love owen wilson the most. wink have you seen bottle rocket?
in the bay area for a spell. if anyone has any suggestions on anything - to do, eat, shop, play, etc. holla atcha boy.
the title track is definitely worth the whole album. i've been listening to it on loop for about a week now. wink and i would love the bside mp3. thanx!!!! kiss
i'm just thinking about the future, i do have some tact...
tonight i'm going to give you all my love in the backseat. bubble pop electric. uh oh.

best celeb sighting ever this morning: phoebe cates.

at brunch, table behind us. goddamn gorgeous woman, she. still.

What are you thinking in that picture? What are you looking at?
I liked her best in DROP DEAD FRED!! That was a great flik...LOVE Rik Mayall...Anyhow...Just stoppin here in your MadPad to give you this to brighten your day, week, whatever...we could ALL look like THIS tommorrow...

There!! Don't you feel MUCH better now? well..If THAT doesnt work...you can come and critique my newest set...(Its for my group, The Abominable Apothecary...Its Old Skool Horror, anyhow...If you are into Horror, Specifically Dario Argento's OPERA...I know the lighting is a little fucked...but we were TRYING to do the 'Argent-o-Vision', Appreciate any tips...as you were so kind to offer them...Anyhow...Either way...Just droppin by and saying hey...OOogaBOOoga skull SS
back from mississippi where, despite daylong downpour, a lot of people in the black communities came out and voted. the mood was very friendly and communal, which helped ease the frustrations from long lines, and the local folks i were with were blown away at the turnout and the vigor, the enthusiasm and the passion. even thugs and hoochie mamas came out in full e-f-f-e-c-t....
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the american people have spoken and they have said, "we are idiots."
llona and i did go to the same school but not in the same class, don't think we ever knew each other then.
well i did want to vote. but i was pretty confused on it all and politics aggrivate me. plus i had my absentee form but i didnt understand a part of it and it was too late to mail in.
monday i head to mississippi to get crunk with trent lott. no, actually, going to check the young/black/rural vote and whether the disenfranchised are any more so in 2004 than the last election. should be interesting. i love the south. but this is deep south. anyone got any suggestions on stuff to check out in the free time? yeah, see what i mean?
I've been in NYC in 1990. But I really would like to come back ; espeacilly to see the MOMA again smile.
Is that what happened to you? I applaud you for this. Thank God for you.
we do not like eminem.
we do not condone the liking of eminem.
we do not condone the making of friends of people who like eminem.


when arguably the biggest star in music makes a video that is so totally partisan, a video so unconditionally wishing to influence its audience towards political participation, towards action against the incumbent president, with transparent bits of literal...
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WellWell...Ghoulish Greetings Mr.thenewblack...
I do not know whether to take your eekMail message as a compliment nor, something else...I think it was a compliment...and Thank You Then...I will take your comments into consideration when doing My OWN Monthly sets in My Group "The Abominable Apothecary" I know there are many things to consider...and to tell you the truth...I do not wish to be SG...I have this problem with being told that I am not tame enough, or cannot include certain articles in the sets that would be Posted...Just so 200 or so people can tell me how 'Cute' I am and then hit 20 kissy smilies...I have modelled for over 15 years now...I have had my days in the limelight...I am quite happy doing My Horror Show and The Group in here...Nonetheless...I am flattered and I would like to keep you in mind for any more 'Constructive Criticism' in any of my OWN sets in 'The Abominable Apothecary' The first due to be up on All Hallows Eve...Keep in touch...and hey...btw...I used to practically live in NYC/Brooklyn as I used to stay there for many undetermined amounts of time at friends places in the early 90's...New Years was ALWAYS a Blast @CB's...Keep in touch, and maybe, if you are interested, as I said, I would love more of your proffessional Opinions...OOogaBOOoga skull ,SS

(P.S. Isnt 'thenewblack' supposed to be 'Pink'?? I shudder at the thought...Please stay thenewblack in Black... wink )
do people look at other people's pic folders often? i find those more revealing than journal entries.

and i REALLY like looking at other people's "favorite SG pics." gives you a more intimate look into people's tastes...

and go rent the movie 'jump tomorrow.' it's pretty funny. dry funny.
i do that all the time
I will rent that movie. I just got netflix and I have promised to rent WHATEVER people to tell me to- to jut myself up and out from this world of endless camp horror flix.

I looked at your pix and had no idea you are a black man...AND a white man. WOW.

I would love to do freelance writing stuff. Feel free to read any of my shiznai' : portlandmercury.com . For right now I am trying to weasel my way to a cubicle of my own. I have sent stuff to Vice before and I'll bet you it's in a metal trashcan with diarrhea smears all over it.

Tell me more of how JS is doing, how did you meet her?

I am visiting NY soon, I'm sure.