sleepy eyed and arising from bed, i proceed to the bathroom to take a shower. I get to the bathroom and it takes a few seconds before anything registers in my head. my mouth and eyes grow wide, i'm in shock. the toilet is clogged with a plastic bag stuck in it with some feces floating around. then i glance upon the sink and realize it's clogged with throw up.
Nice way to start up the morning, huh?
Good times.
Nice way to start up the morning, huh?
Good times.
You can have him now if you'd like... I only got two hours sleep because he passed out in the bathroom with the lights and fan running loudly. I'm not sure if he fell into the tub, or the wall, but it made a loud thud and shook the apartment. I want to kill, him but I'm way to tired.. You can smack him around a bit.

im glad they fessed up and cleaned.