verlaine inspired this which a friend of his inspired him
Next I shall do 35 Random Pieces of Pet Peeves
35 Random Pieces of Love
1. Rain. Cloudy & gloomy days. The smell of rain on the pavement. The smell of rain coming. The smell of rain in the woods. Anything to do with rain, I love.
2. Garlic. Onions. Bread. Potatoes. Cheese
3. Hearing the wood floor creak beneath my feet or others feet. I can usually tell exactly where someone is at in the house once I hear their footsteps. It makes me feel like the house is old and has history, like it could tell a million stories. It adds character to the place.
4. Traveling. I can't wait 'til I have enough money to make it across the big pond. I have been to so many places in the United States, some more than 4 times. I have also been through most of California. Exploring, learning about the culture and feeling lost in a great city is always a good feeling.
5. Photography. If I did not have photography in my life I do not know where I would be right now.
6. Children. Watching children play naturally and interact with each other is so inspiring. The way children are amongst their peers and elders is something so much different than how teenagers and adults interact with each other. They are so uninhibited, they are willing to learn, they have imagination, they are free, they say the best things at the wrong time or vice versa. Children are more wise than we give them credit for.
7. Shoulders. Collarbones. The V in the hips. The most attractive part on any woman or man's body.
8. Animals. Another thing that is inspirational to me. The way animals communicate with humans is amazing, they do not have a way of using words or body language and yet they still have the ability to communicate with humans on another level. Animals have been known to help depressed and disabled people.
9. I love cities.
10. Lilies. One of the best natural smells in the world.
11. Fast cars. Being in a fast car gives me so much adrenaline. Racing them, being a passenger in them, looking at them, taking pictures of them, I love it.
12. Tattoos. Or any other permanent mark on the body. Each scar has a story behind it. You cannot save you've lived life without one scar. Whether it be something good or bad. Tattoos have stories behind them, too. Where the idea came from, why they got them, who they got them from, how old they were, etc. Marks on someone's body is a fascination of mine.
13. Cuddling up with lots of blankets and pillows especially when it's cold outside. And being in bed with someone makes it even better.
14. Figuring people out. I usually am pretty good at gauging people's past when I have only talked to them for a little. By their body language, facial expressions, the things they do/do not tell me.
15. Driving. It clears my head. I used to take a lot of trips by myself in the mountains and it would really help me.
16. People watching. I could never get tired of people watching. I love seeing people at their most vulnerable, when they think no one is looking. Usually people are pretty crude when they think no one is watching and I love that. Or at the mall or at a restaurant you can tell where people are in their lives by who they are with.
17. Hugs. I can never get enough of them.
18. Happy drunk.
19. Indviduality. In any shape or form. Out of the ordinary, extreme hair, clothing, etc. Or just a really unique beautiful person that does not use much to make them beautiful.
20. Honesty. Whatever it may be, extremely bad, something that could tear me apart, I want it. I want someone with enough guts to tell me the honest truth. I want that in friends, in a boyfriend, in my husband, in my family. Everywhere. I think the only true to have any sort of relationship is to be completely honest with the person. And if it destroys the relationship then it wasn't meant to be.
21. Collared shirts are sexy. Especially black ones on a guy. Absolutely attractive.
22. The smell of new paper, magazines and books.
23. Holding the door open for someone. Or opening the door for a passenger. Chivalry is dead and seeing or experiencing that makes me feel like I am a princess.
24. Discovering a new artist or new art form. Whether it be a band, a painter, a photographer, a fashion designer, a writer. I love being exposed to new things. Even if it's ultimately bad, I still love to look at new things.
25. Clothes just out of the dryer.
26. Finding money by accident in a piece of clothing, or wallet or anywhere you wouldn't expect it to be.
27. Anitques. Just the same as old houses, I think they have stories to tell. The craftmanship is different from the items today. You can tell that a lot of hard work was put into it. I especially love antiques that have been in families. Being possessed and cared for from a family member is the ultimate satisifaction.
28. Falling asleep to music, tv or a movie.
29. Sitting around a coffee shop with friends or by myself. Ultimate people watching place and a good place to catch up. It's especially a good feeling if you're there with a loved one. When you know you can just sit and talk and be comfortable enough with just going to a coffee shop to have a good time is a good stable feeling.
30. Surprises.
31. Black and White Photography. Along with Macro Shots.
32. Laughing until you cry. And crying until you laugh.
33. Breaking down every once and awhile.
34. Sex. Oral Sex. The meaningful kind. The kind where you know you're making love instead of fucking. The kind where you know you're going to wake up next the person the next morning and the day after and the day after. The kind where you can have rough, loud sex and still look the person in the eye and tell them you love them. The kind where you can go really slow but still talk dirty and intimately with them. The kind where you can give the other erson an orgasm and feel like you don't have to get it back.
35. Looking into someone's eyes and knowing that you truely love them.
PS I added more pictures of myself
PPS Why has NO ONE given me a damn testimonial? Cubbon!
PPPS I have a huge crush on Quinne right now. I want to marry her!! Gosh, she's so gorgeous.
Next I shall do 35 Random Pieces of Pet Peeves
35 Random Pieces of Love
1. Rain. Cloudy & gloomy days. The smell of rain on the pavement. The smell of rain coming. The smell of rain in the woods. Anything to do with rain, I love.
2. Garlic. Onions. Bread. Potatoes. Cheese
3. Hearing the wood floor creak beneath my feet or others feet. I can usually tell exactly where someone is at in the house once I hear their footsteps. It makes me feel like the house is old and has history, like it could tell a million stories. It adds character to the place.
4. Traveling. I can't wait 'til I have enough money to make it across the big pond. I have been to so many places in the United States, some more than 4 times. I have also been through most of California. Exploring, learning about the culture and feeling lost in a great city is always a good feeling.
5. Photography. If I did not have photography in my life I do not know where I would be right now.
6. Children. Watching children play naturally and interact with each other is so inspiring. The way children are amongst their peers and elders is something so much different than how teenagers and adults interact with each other. They are so uninhibited, they are willing to learn, they have imagination, they are free, they say the best things at the wrong time or vice versa. Children are more wise than we give them credit for.
7. Shoulders. Collarbones. The V in the hips. The most attractive part on any woman or man's body.
8. Animals. Another thing that is inspirational to me. The way animals communicate with humans is amazing, they do not have a way of using words or body language and yet they still have the ability to communicate with humans on another level. Animals have been known to help depressed and disabled people.
9. I love cities.
10. Lilies. One of the best natural smells in the world.
11. Fast cars. Being in a fast car gives me so much adrenaline. Racing them, being a passenger in them, looking at them, taking pictures of them, I love it.
12. Tattoos. Or any other permanent mark on the body. Each scar has a story behind it. You cannot save you've lived life without one scar. Whether it be something good or bad. Tattoos have stories behind them, too. Where the idea came from, why they got them, who they got them from, how old they were, etc. Marks on someone's body is a fascination of mine.
13. Cuddling up with lots of blankets and pillows especially when it's cold outside. And being in bed with someone makes it even better.
14. Figuring people out. I usually am pretty good at gauging people's past when I have only talked to them for a little. By their body language, facial expressions, the things they do/do not tell me.
15. Driving. It clears my head. I used to take a lot of trips by myself in the mountains and it would really help me.
16. People watching. I could never get tired of people watching. I love seeing people at their most vulnerable, when they think no one is looking. Usually people are pretty crude when they think no one is watching and I love that. Or at the mall or at a restaurant you can tell where people are in their lives by who they are with.
17. Hugs. I can never get enough of them.
18. Happy drunk.
19. Indviduality. In any shape or form. Out of the ordinary, extreme hair, clothing, etc. Or just a really unique beautiful person that does not use much to make them beautiful.
20. Honesty. Whatever it may be, extremely bad, something that could tear me apart, I want it. I want someone with enough guts to tell me the honest truth. I want that in friends, in a boyfriend, in my husband, in my family. Everywhere. I think the only true to have any sort of relationship is to be completely honest with the person. And if it destroys the relationship then it wasn't meant to be.
21. Collared shirts are sexy. Especially black ones on a guy. Absolutely attractive.
22. The smell of new paper, magazines and books.
23. Holding the door open for someone. Or opening the door for a passenger. Chivalry is dead and seeing or experiencing that makes me feel like I am a princess.
24. Discovering a new artist or new art form. Whether it be a band, a painter, a photographer, a fashion designer, a writer. I love being exposed to new things. Even if it's ultimately bad, I still love to look at new things.
25. Clothes just out of the dryer.
26. Finding money by accident in a piece of clothing, or wallet or anywhere you wouldn't expect it to be.
27. Anitques. Just the same as old houses, I think they have stories to tell. The craftmanship is different from the items today. You can tell that a lot of hard work was put into it. I especially love antiques that have been in families. Being possessed and cared for from a family member is the ultimate satisifaction.
28. Falling asleep to music, tv or a movie.
29. Sitting around a coffee shop with friends or by myself. Ultimate people watching place and a good place to catch up. It's especially a good feeling if you're there with a loved one. When you know you can just sit and talk and be comfortable enough with just going to a coffee shop to have a good time is a good stable feeling.
30. Surprises.
31. Black and White Photography. Along with Macro Shots.
32. Laughing until you cry. And crying until you laugh.
33. Breaking down every once and awhile.
34. Sex. Oral Sex. The meaningful kind. The kind where you know you're making love instead of fucking. The kind where you know you're going to wake up next the person the next morning and the day after and the day after. The kind where you can have rough, loud sex and still look the person in the eye and tell them you love them. The kind where you can go really slow but still talk dirty and intimately with them. The kind where you can give the other erson an orgasm and feel like you don't have to get it back.
35. Looking into someone's eyes and knowing that you truely love them.
PS I added more pictures of myself
PPS Why has NO ONE given me a damn testimonial? Cubbon!
PPPS I have a huge crush on Quinne right now. I want to marry her!! Gosh, she's so gorgeous.

i love any journal from you, but this was enjoyable. i think the little things a person likes says as much about them as anything else.
hmm. quite a few of your 'loves' would have been on mine had i kept going, and some of the more obscure things too such as falling asleep to tv or a movie - something i used to do incessantly. actually just having something on helps me get to sleep faster than silence. waking up to info-mercials isn't so great though. . .
i spend way too much time people-watching. the fact that i all but live at the library doesn't help this habit, but it's not a new thing by any means. my first couple of years of art school i commuted by bus, an hour there and back every day, and i totally created personnas for the other people who were commuting, even names, they became like a little family. . . i think just observing people when they're unaware is interesting enough, people tend to be truer to their real nature when they think no one is looking. but yeah, it's also fun to see the same people over and over and to give them nicknames
tattoos, scars, birthmarks. . . yeah, i'm with you. i don't always like tattoos i have to say though, but in cases such as yours where they DO tell a story and they have deeper meaning than mere decoration, i tend to really like them. i like the concept of autobiographical body modification i guess. i like a body being able to tell a story by its markings, even if it's just chickenpox scars and freckles. actually in the same respect i like old stuff, whether it's buildings, books or clothing- anything that 'tells a story' you know?
as for collarbones, don't even get me started, just the whole neck-shoulder-collarbone-jaw area. . . so incredibly sexy.
and yeah, we already talked about the quinne set. serious kudos to sean on the photography, but you've got to wonder why they haven't had him shoot more sets before now, eh? i just don't think a girl in any set has every looked so. . . accesible, you know? real.
anyways, study time for me, see if i can wrap my brain around any more of this crazy bloody language.
i need caffeine. . .
love and hugs,