so, i've seen this floating around and thought i'd get on the bandwagon cause i'm a tool
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) publish a book
2) be featured in a tattoo magazine
3) buy a house
4) have/adopt at least one child
5) make an impact in the world through human/animals rights
6) become somewhat known for my photography
7) leave a positive mark on people's lives
Seven things I can not do:
1) regret
2) change the past
3) have it be silent for long periods of time
4) wanting to be in a relationship
5) keep my natural hair color
6) conform to popular fashion
7) have a foot fetish
Seven things that attract me to the USA:
1) how diverse the US is
2) Seattle
3) scenery
4) it's where i was born
5) New York
6) how much i hate that in turn makes me love it
7) San Francisco
Seven things I say most often:
1) your mom
3) Darling & Fischer. This is Sofia...
4) hooker beast
5) bitch
7) ok
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1) catcher in the rye
2) invisble monsters
3) post secret
4) kitchen sink
5) found
6) alternative press
7) punk planet
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1) buffalo '66
2) six feet under dvds
3) eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
4) closer
5) saw
6) texas chain saw massacre (original)
7) viva la bam series
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) publish a book
2) be featured in a tattoo magazine
3) buy a house
4) have/adopt at least one child
5) make an impact in the world through human/animals rights
6) become somewhat known for my photography
7) leave a positive mark on people's lives
Seven things I can not do:
1) regret
2) change the past
3) have it be silent for long periods of time
4) wanting to be in a relationship
5) keep my natural hair color
6) conform to popular fashion
7) have a foot fetish
Seven things that attract me to the USA:
1) how diverse the US is
2) Seattle
3) scenery
4) it's where i was born
5) New York
6) how much i hate that in turn makes me love it
7) San Francisco
Seven things I say most often:
1) your mom
3) Darling & Fischer. This is Sofia...
4) hooker beast
5) bitch
7) ok
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1) catcher in the rye
2) invisble monsters
3) post secret
4) kitchen sink
5) found
6) alternative press
7) punk planet
Seven movies I watch over and over again
1) buffalo '66
2) six feet under dvds
3) eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
4) closer
5) saw
6) texas chain saw massacre (original)
7) viva la bam series
you got great taste!
Come back sofia...