I need to get out of here. Now. I'm tired of crazy ex-girlfriends and crazy people and crazy bums and just....idiots in general. Poof and all that jazz.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 17, 2006
I'm still alive and I'm back in school!!!! Good on ya boyo!! Work … -
Wednesday Mar 22, 2006
I'm working at the magic stick and stuff. The Girl is still crazy as … -
Monday Jan 30, 2006
I know that no one gives a damn, but I moved into my new place on Sun… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
The Girl is insane. Totally crazy. I still love her though. She tries… -
Sunday Jan 08, 2006
I need a job. Yup Job! job jobby job job job Job-bonoooo... JOB!… -
Monday Jan 02, 2006
Hmmm...I don't FEEL older...oh well. I think my birthday is broken… -
Wednesday Dec 28, 2005
So yeah...I dig Kira for putting on that great party! Met alot of coo… -
Friday Dec 23, 2005
I put down a wishlist for whoever is so unlucky that they got stuck w… -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
Haven't updated in awhile so...um...yeah: 1) Moving in with my gir… -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2005
SSDD: school is just a pain in my head that never goes away. Mor…