So yesterday while traveling I ran into a priest (collar and all) rocking a cell-phone. At the moment it occured to me that the whole scene was just...out of place. A classic symbol of the old guard of human existence yip-yapping on a Razor cell phone, which is one of many icons of modern vanity. Does he have God's phone number? I wonder if he prayed for a cool new toy? Maybe somebody just got him a gift for his birthday or to say thanks for saving their soul, but it was wrong. This prompted me to just sit back and ponder the nature of religion, how it affected the world and what part technology has played in the spreading of the "word", and just how human those who would deem themselves leaders and saviors really are. I wish more people that devoted themselves to an ideal that had human agents as messengers did this. After a little bit more of this I just finished my Subway sandwich and went on my way. I also checked out Land of the Dead because I missed the last showing of The Devil's Rejects. All I can say is...meh. I caught a few of the socially conscious messages that Remero was kicking out there and I appreciated the way it was all handled just didn't do anything for as a movie. Oh well. I also went to the doctor and got my broken hand looked at by a surgeon. Turns out that I'm pretty healthy and all that so the hand is healing pretty fast. I don't even need to have work done or a cast. I that f**king cool
Then on the way to the crib I got hit on but two gay men and a kitty (don't ask me how I know when an cat is hitting on me I just do, okay). All in all it twas a good day.

Then on the way to the crib I got hit on but two gay men and a kitty (don't ask me how I know when an cat is hitting on me I just do, okay). All in all it twas a good day.
awe, thank you