Today I ate a fish taco at a place called On The Border. I only ordered it in preparation for a place called Wahu's Fish Tacos(or SOMETHING like that) in San Diego. It was an interesting experience. They don't taste anything like normal tacos, and despite the fact that I ate 3(and they were MASSIVE) after a really heavy lunch, they didn't make me feel all weighted down and full of lard like normal tacos do. I recommend them to anyone.
I'm going to make it a point to meet lots of new people. For the last six months I've done nothing but hang out with all the same people and I need a change. Though I love my friends and grow eager for their presence when they're away, I need some different spice in my life. A teaspoon of downtown chick. A quarter cup emo guy. One package hippy stoner(diced not chipped). Mix ingredients in alchohol soaked tavern, cook on medium cigarrette smoke and top with stimulating conversation. Serves six. I'm going to call up people that I haven't hung out with in a long time and tell them I still love them.
I need to find an infomercial that sells instructional videos on how to keep your damned fool mouth shut. I could really use one of those. "Ohhhhhh he's not hanging out anymore cause he thinks you're acting like a big jerk."
Where's the duct tape when i really need it?
And I close with the best picture ever:

I'm going to make it a point to meet lots of new people. For the last six months I've done nothing but hang out with all the same people and I need a change. Though I love my friends and grow eager for their presence when they're away, I need some different spice in my life. A teaspoon of downtown chick. A quarter cup emo guy. One package hippy stoner(diced not chipped). Mix ingredients in alchohol soaked tavern, cook on medium cigarrette smoke and top with stimulating conversation. Serves six. I'm going to call up people that I haven't hung out with in a long time and tell them I still love them.
I need to find an infomercial that sells instructional videos on how to keep your damned fool mouth shut. I could really use one of those. "Ohhhhhh he's not hanging out anymore cause he thinks you're acting like a big jerk."

And I close with the best picture ever:

I suppose the photo does look that way but it wasnt purposeful haha and I was alone in the room just me and my camera haha so nothing was going on it was just another boring day like every other one except I decided to have my own lil shoot haha =)