Feeling a lot better tonight. I guess a night of being a drunken retard will do that to you. Anyways I was at a friends barbeque today and he was throwing these things on the grill that he claimed were hamburgers. Yeah, I wish. I don't want to get into the exact nasty details of what these things looked like, but trust me, if you got one at Mickey Dees, you'd be on the phone with the board of health faster than you could swallow. And as if seeing these monstrosities of beef and filler sizzle wasn't enough to spoil my appetite, my neighbors dog took a shit right in front of me....AND THEN ATE IT!!!!!!!!
Dogs are such disgusting creatures. How can any animal not recognize a difference between it's own shit and food? Aren't they supposed to have these ass kicking senses of smell? Why can't they tell that their shit is nasty and food smells good?
My friend didn't see any of this so he just assumes I'll still be able to eat sometime this week. As he goes to plop a ratburger on my plate, it slips and falls, making that filthy mongrel come running greedily over to devour the scraps. When the dog gets to the burger though, it sniffs it, licks it AND WALKS AWAY!!! It just got done eating a pile of feces and decided that this burger was appetizing enough for it. Needless to say I ended up going to a Wawa on the way home. Whats the moral of this story? Dogs are nasty, and the things that even THEY won't eat are nastier.

Dogs are such disgusting creatures. How can any animal not recognize a difference between it's own shit and food? Aren't they supposed to have these ass kicking senses of smell? Why can't they tell that their shit is nasty and food smells good?
My friend didn't see any of this so he just assumes I'll still be able to eat sometime this week. As he goes to plop a ratburger on my plate, it slips and falls, making that filthy mongrel come running greedily over to devour the scraps. When the dog gets to the burger though, it sniffs it, licks it AND WALKS AWAY!!! It just got done eating a pile of feces and decided that this burger was appetizing enough for it. Needless to say I ended up going to a Wawa on the way home. Whats the moral of this story? Dogs are nasty, and the things that even THEY won't eat are nastier.
a lot of people have described me that way