Man, it was a close one today. I was an hour and a half late for work and my boss was ready to fire me. It was only by begging and promising to be his life long sex slave (an unsettling requirement for continuing my employment) that I was able to keep my job. Man I need to get more sleep at night. If I would have slept a couple of extra hours I probably would have heard the alarm. I need to look into some kind of sleeping pills or something. My insomnia is getting out of hand. I only sleep about three hours a night and I feel like a zombie during the day. Sometimes I don't even sleep at all for a couple of days.
Anyways besides that nothing bad happened. Except that I slacked off on cleaning and my house is a God damned pig sty again.
Time to get tough....get off this computer and stop being a lazy shit
....welllllllll....maybe just ten more minutes.....
Anyways besides that nothing bad happened. Except that I slacked off on cleaning and my house is a God damned pig sty again.

I never thought of going to a laundrymat
Would you like to carry the 50-75lbs of dirty clothes half a mile to the closest one for me?