What does it mean when you dream of someone a lot? I used to think that they were important to you, or that you were thinking about them a lot but now I'm pretty sure it means they're trying to take over my brain. My evidence? Glad you asked. I've been dreaming of my ex a lot lately. I rest my case. Me dreaming of her clearly means that she's trying to take over my brain. Hopefully I'll be able to find instructions on the internet about how to make a tin foil hat to protect myself with......
My band is going in the wrong direction. Except that's not exactly accurate. We're really going in NO direction, so we can't be going in the wrong direction. We keep playing the same small shows to the same small crowds. We're bringing a slightly bigger draw than before, and our performance is getting a lot tighter but that's not enough. We need to start playing to bigger crowds. We need to play festivals and battle of the bands and college shows and stuff. I think my band is trying to take over my brain too, but a lot more successfully than my ex. My ex has only succeeded in getting me to dream of her while my band has started to consume nearly every waking moment. All day long I'm thinking about where we can book and who we can book with and where we can promote and how to get things moving faster. So if you have a big event coming up we'll play for free. E-mail me.
I need to go out and get good and fucked up. The kind of fucked up where you wake up the next day swearing to never drink again. The kind of fucked up where you have to call the last person you remember seeing to find out what happened during the rest of the night. I have work every day this weekend, maybe on sunday though....anyone doing anything on Sunday?
My band is going in the wrong direction. Except that's not exactly accurate. We're really going in NO direction, so we can't be going in the wrong direction. We keep playing the same small shows to the same small crowds. We're bringing a slightly bigger draw than before, and our performance is getting a lot tighter but that's not enough. We need to start playing to bigger crowds. We need to play festivals and battle of the bands and college shows and stuff. I think my band is trying to take over my brain too, but a lot more successfully than my ex. My ex has only succeeded in getting me to dream of her while my band has started to consume nearly every waking moment. All day long I'm thinking about where we can book and who we can book with and where we can promote and how to get things moving faster. So if you have a big event coming up we'll play for free. E-mail me.
I need to go out and get good and fucked up. The kind of fucked up where you wake up the next day swearing to never drink again. The kind of fucked up where you have to call the last person you remember seeing to find out what happened during the rest of the night. I have work every day this weekend, maybe on sunday though....anyone doing anything on Sunday?
i know! well. im a cruel bitch.

i just moved here. I know no one.