I got a story to tell all you people. Are you ready to hear it? One time I was goin for a walk in the woods. It was just me, all alone under the moonlight lookin around. Smellin the trees, the birds, the bees. Even though it was night. If you understand where I'm comin from. And suddenly I heard something that sounded kinda like a swoopin. It was a swoopin and a flappin. And a flappin and a flutterin. And I thought, They got some big birds round these parts. Some BIG FUCKIN BIRDS. But then I noticed....I noticed.....there was things DANGLIN, DANGLIN from between the wings. What was it?!? What was comin at me?!? Oh my God!! It's looks like a snake!! A snake FLYIN AROUND!!! But everybody knows that snakes can't fly...can they? CAN THEY?!? No. What I saw, I thought it was a snake, but it coulda been a bat. But then again bats don't grow that big. Big bats? Bats with wings? NO!! Bats always have wings. What don't have wings? SNAKES! WITH! BAT! WINGS! SNAKESWITHBATWINGS! SNAKESWITHBATWINGS!!
You have completely lost it.... Freud would have loved you....
