The most terrible and beautiful torture is the torture of meeting someone new. Those first few awkward phone calls, the stupid way you creep a little closer to each other in the movies, the shock that comes with those kisses(the ones that let you know that life really is good). For that first week or two, you're as stressed as you've ever been. Have you ever worried this much over anything? Will she call me? Will I see him again? Did I go too fast for her? Am I going to slow for him? DOES HE/SHE LIKE ME?!?!?!? I'm nearly ripping my hair out and I can't stop smiling the whole time. I've experienced a few things in my life, some good some bad. I stayed up all night at the beach and went swimming in the ocean at sunrise. I've made love to beautiful women. I've created awesome music with my best friends. I've gone to a concert and had one of the best times of my life. All these things were good but let me tell you: nothing, Nothing, NOTHING is better than good kisses. A good kiss makes you feel young and happy again. After a night of good kisses, nothing can take the smile off your face as you sing "Dear Prudence" in the sunlight. I can't be certain, but I like to imagine that John Lennon was smiling when he wrote that song.
The girl who brought out all these great feelings in me, is probably not interested in me anymore. The flames and electricity of those first couple nights have cooled since. I'm not sure what happened, but there is either something wrong with her or me. Either she has some kind of issue with pushing people away or I have some kind of issue with not being able to read the road signs when driving down that great highway of love. I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to think that maybe I'm the one in need of Amore-OnStar. After every encounter with the fairer sex I find myself bewildered and in search of some lesson that I should learn that will help me in the future. It's like my second favorite line from the three stooges: Curly saying "I'm tryin to think but nothin's happenin, woo woo woo woo woo woo woo"(my second favorite being from Shemp's boxing match "There goes Shemp with the right cross, there goes Shemp with the left hook.....there goes Shemp!!") I'm disappointed. I had high hopes for this crazy girl who played pinochle and dreamt of singing in a band. I guess I'll just have to keep on feeling like Cake:
I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
Who's fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry
She's putting up her hair
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket......
I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who used a machedy to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
She is fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng.... lonnng jacket
I want a girl with a smooth liquidation
I want a girl with good dividends
And at the city bank we will meet accidentally
We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen
She wants a car with a cupholder arm rest
She wants a car that will get her there
She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She's trading her MG for a white Chrystler Laberan
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket
The girl who brought out all these great feelings in me, is probably not interested in me anymore. The flames and electricity of those first couple nights have cooled since. I'm not sure what happened, but there is either something wrong with her or me. Either she has some kind of issue with pushing people away or I have some kind of issue with not being able to read the road signs when driving down that great highway of love. I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to think that maybe I'm the one in need of Amore-OnStar. After every encounter with the fairer sex I find myself bewildered and in search of some lesson that I should learn that will help me in the future. It's like my second favorite line from the three stooges: Curly saying "I'm tryin to think but nothin's happenin, woo woo woo woo woo woo woo"(my second favorite being from Shemp's boxing match "There goes Shemp with the right cross, there goes Shemp with the left hook.....there goes Shemp!!") I'm disappointed. I had high hopes for this crazy girl who played pinochle and dreamt of singing in a band. I guess I'll just have to keep on feeling like Cake:
I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
Who's fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry
She's putting up her hair
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket......
I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who used a machedy to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
She is fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng.... lonnng jacket
I want a girl with a smooth liquidation
I want a girl with good dividends
And at the city bank we will meet accidentally
We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen
She wants a car with a cupholder arm rest
She wants a car that will get her there
She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She's trading her MG for a white Chrystler Laberan
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket
You would lift this steaming herd
You would kill all the sick ones
You would bury them deep in the earth ( and end up just like me )