OK so it's true. If I don't have a deadline, I'm gonna flounder. Tonight, looking down the barrel of the deadline I set for the writing group submissions, I knocked out a short story of 3000 words. Then when I found out about a writing contest through the writers group, I pumped out another story of a thousand words, then edited it down to 500. I haven't put this much work into my writing in forever. Not since I first started my novel and was writing it all by hand. I'm pretty pumped though. Just need to go back over the first story today and add in a couple of minor things then get some feedback on my second one to see if it's up to snuff to get entered into the contest. Anyone who wants to read either one, just e-mail me, I'll be happy to send them to you.
Cut the last of my ties with Amy. Did it hurt? Yeah. Did it hurt lots? Yeah. Was it for the best? Also yeah. She's an odd person, and doesn't understand that for other people, the pain of being around someone who rejected you isn't always worth how cool they are. Now all I have to do is burn everything I have, not talk to anyone I know, and move to Alaska and I won't have to be reminded of her anymore.
I know how it feels to be in her shoes too though. Someone I know really really loves me, but I don't feel the same about her. I try to tell her to keep her distance but she's only getting more and more obsessed with me. I wish she would stay away. Obsessions are dangerous things. They destroy you. I would know. I'm kinda confused about what to do though. I'm not sure if I should be her friend or if it's better if we don't talk at all. I think it's better if we just keep away from each other. Absence makes the heart grow forgetful after all. If you have an opinion about any of this stuff, feel free to chime in.
Start my job this week. Unemployment is done. I'm pumped. Now I can start paying my bills again
cool way to waste time
Cut the last of my ties with Amy. Did it hurt? Yeah. Did it hurt lots? Yeah. Was it for the best? Also yeah. She's an odd person, and doesn't understand that for other people, the pain of being around someone who rejected you isn't always worth how cool they are. Now all I have to do is burn everything I have, not talk to anyone I know, and move to Alaska and I won't have to be reminded of her anymore.
I know how it feels to be in her shoes too though. Someone I know really really loves me, but I don't feel the same about her. I try to tell her to keep her distance but she's only getting more and more obsessed with me. I wish she would stay away. Obsessions are dangerous things. They destroy you. I would know. I'm kinda confused about what to do though. I'm not sure if I should be her friend or if it's better if we don't talk at all. I think it's better if we just keep away from each other. Absence makes the heart grow forgetful after all. If you have an opinion about any of this stuff, feel free to chime in.
Start my job this week. Unemployment is done. I'm pumped. Now I can start paying my bills again

cool way to waste time
check out what he directed!