My journal, like five day old bread, is getting stale and moldy, but like the drunken fool that I am, I can offer you only randomness.
I watched Kissing Jessica Stein tonight(for the first time) and realized a few things. Number one, I've just found out that I'm at LEAST 10% more gay than I thought I was. I'm such a sucker for romantic comedies. Almost ANY romantic comedy. I mean....I liked You've Got Mail.
I also realized how much I like meeting people. Those nervous first few conversations. The quick "I-hope-she-didn't-see-this" glances. The awkward way first kisses happen and then the even MORE awkward way first OTHER things happen. That final breaking point when the passion has built up to too much and you both fall into the doorway, limbs and lips akimbo. Ahhhhh. The good old days.
I thought it was a very sad movie. Realistic (sort of) but sad. I'm a sucker for happy endings and I found that this one left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it's just cause I'm depressed though. How did that line go? "We don't see things as they are we see things as WE are."
There's so many people who I would like to believe care about me. Do they? They TALK like they do, but why don't they ever call? Or IM? Or e-mail? Why am I always the one who gets in touch with THEM? If my phone were only able to RECEIVE phone calls, then I would only ever speak to two people, one friend and my dad. Oh and work when I oversleep
I read a Forbes magazine and was enthralled by it. Reading it helped me understand that great vast process that is the world of business. Those old gears started turning in my head, the ones that start up that computer that wants to know everything. Just like Johnny Five it craves INPUT.
If I had enough money, I'd buy stock in Commerce Bank. And if anyone from Citizens Bank is reading this then please consider my previous statement a joke and don't fire me.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm reading your mind or if you're reading mine. Will I ever be able to tell?
The SG Halloween party was cool. The club was awesome and the music was really cool. I don't know if a William Michael Obrien is reading this but if you are, thanks man, you were really cool. Thanks to Morgan also, who didn't mind the fact that a guy whose nasty bare chest was poking out of his trenchcoat just randomly introduced himself to her. I thought it was cool that she said hey and introduced me to a couple of people. And Manson guy (sorry man but I don't remember your name), you were cool too.
I've always bought trojans, gimme your opinions on condoms and which ones are you favorites.
I watched Kissing Jessica Stein tonight(for the first time) and realized a few things. Number one, I've just found out that I'm at LEAST 10% more gay than I thought I was. I'm such a sucker for romantic comedies. Almost ANY romantic comedy. I mean....I liked You've Got Mail.

I also realized how much I like meeting people. Those nervous first few conversations. The quick "I-hope-she-didn't-see-this" glances. The awkward way first kisses happen and then the even MORE awkward way first OTHER things happen. That final breaking point when the passion has built up to too much and you both fall into the doorway, limbs and lips akimbo. Ahhhhh. The good old days.
I thought it was a very sad movie. Realistic (sort of) but sad. I'm a sucker for happy endings and I found that this one left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe it's just cause I'm depressed though. How did that line go? "We don't see things as they are we see things as WE are."
There's so many people who I would like to believe care about me. Do they? They TALK like they do, but why don't they ever call? Or IM? Or e-mail? Why am I always the one who gets in touch with THEM? If my phone were only able to RECEIVE phone calls, then I would only ever speak to two people, one friend and my dad. Oh and work when I oversleep

I read a Forbes magazine and was enthralled by it. Reading it helped me understand that great vast process that is the world of business. Those old gears started turning in my head, the ones that start up that computer that wants to know everything. Just like Johnny Five it craves INPUT.
If I had enough money, I'd buy stock in Commerce Bank. And if anyone from Citizens Bank is reading this then please consider my previous statement a joke and don't fire me.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm reading your mind or if you're reading mine. Will I ever be able to tell?
The SG Halloween party was cool. The club was awesome and the music was really cool. I don't know if a William Michael Obrien is reading this but if you are, thanks man, you were really cool. Thanks to Morgan also, who didn't mind the fact that a guy whose nasty bare chest was poking out of his trenchcoat just randomly introduced himself to her. I thought it was cool that she said hey and introduced me to a couple of people. And Manson guy (sorry man but I don't remember your name), you were cool too.
I've always bought trojans, gimme your opinions on condoms and which ones are you favorites.
the trojan supras (non latex) are pretty good. i used to use durex extra sensitive, which improve the experience on the whole for both parties.
wait, wait. you lost me at liking "you've got mail." if i had a dollar for the number of times i have bashed that movie....