Ugggg, I'm gonna puke. Playing a half hour set with no water before or during will do bad things to you. It was worth it though. We totally kicked ass. Aside from one or two minor slipups which we covered like PROS the show went great. Fuckin Bill Martin got his ass kicked too. Oh sweet justice thy name is kickin Bill Martin's ass. Now I'm here, waiting for the adrenaline to wear away as I let the water I'm slowly sipping ooze into my cells. As long as I drink it in slow gulps the shriveled prune that used to be my stomach doesn't react TOO badly. I really love playing shows. I need to rejoin this band. They're one of the rare bands that you join where everybody clicks perfectly and beautiful sounds come from the bass guitar drums and vocals. At tonight's show, I had rivers of lava flowing through my arms and out my drumsticks. The guitars sounded like a four alarm fire and the bass was cracking the foundations of the earth. My snare drum even sounded good. How fuckin cool is THAT? Uh oh. Adrenaline fading. stay....oooooonliiiine........rose...bud.......:EHG:

i'm glad you had a good show!

dude, thats the best excuse i have ever heard..