Gogol Bordello tomorrow. I'm really excited. I feel like I'm in high school again. Jittery, nervous, full of energy and zest....the world is full of beautiful possibilities. It's like all the baggage that has slowly been building up and weighing me down is vanishing, piece by fucked up piece. Am I being way too optimistic? Yeah probably. But what else is there to do? You have to fake it til you make it right? Besides, I'm a resilient mother fucker. I can jump off the cliff over and over and over again and still have the strength to get up and do it one more time. If this is teaching me anything, it's that I'm much further from the breaking point than I thought I was.
How do you get 10 monkeys into a volkswagen? Throw in a banana.
Tell me a joke...
How do you get 10 monkeys into a volkswagen? Throw in a banana.

Tell me a joke...
why did the blonde get fired from the dollar store.....kept asking for price checks..har har.
my dad just said fake it till you make it yesterday....I hate that saying
but it is sort of true.
Do the french have any good sayings??