Sometimes I wonder if anything good can last. Everyone around me is fighting, or miserable, or unhappy, or unfulfilled. Where's the love damnit? There are people who I love so much I can't even put it into words and they push themselves away from me. Why can't people just work out their problems? Why can't they put away their petty differences and work towards getting closer instead of pulling each other apart? If you're reading this, I probably love you. I know I don't even know you, but I still love you. How can you not love? It's the default setting for me. I just love everyone. Even the people I hate, I love. Sometimes ESPECIALLY the ones that I hate. Next time someone pisses you off, or fucks with you or does something that hurts you, just remember to try and be understanding. You probably love that person a lot or else they wouldn't be able to piss you off or hurt you, so keep that in mind when you choose how to act.
Question of the day: Why is the little fucker who lives next to me such an evil bastard who is totally undeserving of love
Question of the day: Why is the little fucker who lives next to me such an evil bastard who is totally undeserving of love
ooh i know!
cos he took yr kitty away and now i've got to beat him with a crowbar until he starts to bleed from EVERY pore of his body. But its completely out of love, i swear.