What difference does any of it make?
All the difference in the world.
If I could, I'd make things better
But I can't so I make them worse
For myself
For you
For everyone
Maybe after they get worse, they'll start to get better again.
Maybe life has a purpose after all.
Maybe the next thing I touch won't turn to shit.
Maybe you'll fall in love.
It makes all the difference in the world
All the difference in the world.
If I could, I'd make things better
But I can't so I make them worse
For myself
For you
For everyone
Maybe after they get worse, they'll start to get better again.
Maybe life has a purpose after all.
Maybe the next thing I touch won't turn to shit.
Maybe you'll fall in love.
It makes all the difference in the world
i couldn't make it to the bank on time so i had no bling bling. i didn't go job hunting either. heh.
all in all it was a pretty unproductive day.
lots of it were spent walking around town in the rain...
then after my mom came to get me to get a birthday present for my uncle. bleh.
Hope yr weekend is a-ok.