Sutter Cane's Official Site
Here you will find the results of most of my free time over the last week and a half. Let me tell you, web coding is the most tedious, mind numbing thing i've ever done, and I used to be a tele-researcher. I'm so glad I don't do this for a living. Everything about it just astounds me. I don't understand the rules, or the tricks or really even how I'm doing what I'm doing. If we need to have our site re-tooled in the future, I'm paying someone to do it.
All that said, I'm going to keep on tweaking it and trying to learn flash and JavaScript to improve what I have. Drop me a line and let me know what you think of my progress.
Here you will find the results of most of my free time over the last week and a half. Let me tell you, web coding is the most tedious, mind numbing thing i've ever done, and I used to be a tele-researcher. I'm so glad I don't do this for a living. Everything about it just astounds me. I don't understand the rules, or the tricks or really even how I'm doing what I'm doing. If we need to have our site re-tooled in the future, I'm paying someone to do it.
All that said, I'm going to keep on tweaking it and trying to learn flash and JavaScript to improve what I have. Drop me a line and let me know what you think of my progress.