Doing a lot of heady thinking lately. Thinking about things like: is there a purpose to everything? What's the point of life? Will things ever get better? Will I ever get better? Can't come up with any answers though. If there is a purpose to life, I can't see it, but then I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'd like to believe that there is a purpose to what happens, but it's difficult. I know my last few journal entries have been real downers but I think they're going to start picking up. Maybe things aren't so bad. At least I've got Jerry Cantrell to listen to and my cat.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 13, 2006
Best conversation ever happened to me yesterday: T: "You wanna go … -
Sunday Mar 12, 2006
Just like Chris Cornell, I've got nothing to say. -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
Why is it that the only time you get any love, respect, even just fuc… -
Sunday Feb 26, 2006
Sutter Cane at Club 218 Sat March 4th. Be there bitches. -
Monday Feb 20, 2006
Read More -
Monday Feb 06, 2006
I think I've discovered what I'm going to do to increase my cash flow… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
SG kicks MySpace's ASS in every way possible. -
Saturday Jan 21, 2006
Some of my favorite lyrics: "Now my hands are turning red, and I … -
Wednesday Jan 18, 2006
It used to be that he left the back door unlocked. It drove the rest… -
Sunday Jan 08, 2006
I'm doing pretty well. How are things with you?
the other dream is a little easier to figure out.
In real life i got laid off from my job last thursday.
in the dream i kept saying "but i died on thursday"
cos some weird guy was giving me this huge building
which at one time or another was used as some sort of corporate headquarters. and i was a ghost so i couldnt do anything with the building if i wanted to.
In response to yr post i say this:
There is a purpose to everything, but you shouldn't get caught up in thinking too much about it or the meaning of life...or your life more specifically. Don't worry about those answers. Do what you have to do and the pieces of the puzzle will eventually become more and more visible and start fitting together. You just have to work out the kinks first.
Things will start looking up. They always do. Things always get worse before they get better. I know from experience.
Sorry this was so long. lol.
Anyway, i think you can use some more SG friends so i'm gonna go ahead and add you.