When I was a young whippersnapper I was part of a porn-making collective. Like about half of the people in that group, I eventually began to make porn years after the last meeting I attended. Decades later, as I contemplate joining another, similar group, I'm wondering about the difference between groups that exist primarily because it's socially rewarding to belong to them and groups that...
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We interrupt your regular smutty flow to bring you this <cough> public health message.
The flu is a sexually transmissible infection. Just saying. Not specifically swine flu, just the ordinary flu that leaves you miserable-for-a-week, gotta cancel yer work & dates cause you're feverish and snotular & feeling like warmed-over tapir vomit. I don't mean it takes intimate sexual congress to share it, but that...
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The flu is a sexually transmissible infection. Just saying. Not specifically swine flu, just the ordinary flu that leaves you miserable-for-a-week, gotta cancel yer work & dates cause you're feverish and snotular & feeling like warmed-over tapir vomit. I don't mean it takes intimate sexual congress to share it, but that...
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Vinyl might make a whole lot more sense than lambskin. The organic ones ain't virus-proof.
True, but she just wanted me to say, "Yeah, sure, go ahead and go condom-free! Here is a magical pill you can take to make sure you don't get any number of STIs! And yes, I endorse you using the morning-after pill as a pre-planned method of birth control!" Yikes.
I'm gonna bet I had a nastier night than you did. Goodness gracious, these Torontonians have stamina!
Nope! my I bet mine was nastier...and I got pics to prove it....

hey there sexy!
I have a hot second date in a couple hours with someone ridiculously cute & potentially very compatible. I'm uncharacteristically anxious, probably 'cause this also involves getting lost in the suburbs en route, meeting her boyfriend, getting back home in time to get some work done tonight, etc.
Trying to remember a time when hooking up wasn't so fraught with other stuff...
Trying to remember a time when hooking up wasn't so fraught with other stuff...
It was a little odd. There was spanking. There was fisting. There were word games and tiny glasses of Baileys Irish Cream. There was a small red crayon up her bottom. There was a giggling boyfriend watching from about 2 feet away. There were tears, screaming, and a puddle of pee on the living room floor, and then we all had very good spinach pizza. Perfect, but still a bit odd.
Now I want to be a very compatible girl in your area....
I'm glad it was fun.
Now I want to be a very compatible girl in your area....

I'm giggling today, and not in a nice way. I'm laughing at the suckers made brave by anonymity who posted hurtful, petty, snide, creepy tags on sets throughout this site. SG is actually one of the places where I first noticed how vicious people can get on the net when they think they're nameless, and I have to say that no matter how odd the...
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Thank you for the compliment on my Member Review set! I appreciate the support. 

Happy B-Day!

In Jamaica for another couple days. Mosquito-devoured and saddened by what's happened to the currency ($650 for a six pack of Guinnes?) but having an amazing time. Working on web stuff, attending my sweetie's workshops and being my usual insomniac self. There's a disturbing similarity to our experience of the last 4 or 5 countries, given how different the actual environments have been. Time to...
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I'm looking for hidden flamingos, so I can kick their asses!! 

By way of explanation: Things got rough in Toronto. Really rough. Hard to say where the intersection of health issues, finances, etc. became unmanageable, but eventually it did. We sold the house, paid our debts and took our show on the road. ['We' is my main squeeze and I.] We spent a couple months in Vancouver, some time in Oakland, and 2 months here, and...
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Hubris. Hmm.
Last night I was bitching to my brilliant London host bout SG. My membership had been lapsed for about a year, and I brought the site up in the context of discussing his phd thesis about comic book politics. The discussion had turned into a discussion of the Moore/Gebbie collaboration "Lost Girls", which turned into a discussion of pornography.
My ranting and bitching...
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Last night I was bitching to my brilliant London host bout SG. My membership had been lapsed for about a year, and I brought the site up in the context of discussing his phd thesis about comic book politics. The discussion had turned into a discussion of the Moore/Gebbie collaboration "Lost Girls", which turned into a discussion of pornography.
My ranting and bitching...
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Good to see you back.
Until Sept/Oct, unless the global financial crisis forces us to change our plans. We'll be in Europe (France/Spain) after that.
Open-source project contributors who offer up undocumented, unsupported, half-finished code are not in the same category as soup kitchen chefs who offer uncooked, moldy, unseasoned meat.
Sometimes raw meat is just the delicacy you're looking for.
Sometimes raw meat is just the delicacy you're looking for.
I'm just getting the pheonix on my arm finished, and theres cherry blossoms and stuff on my back.
I live in NB though, Ontario is kind of far to go for a photographer. =/
I live in NB though, Ontario is kind of far to go for a photographer. =/
I'm afraid I can't take credit for the weather, I'm only named after that guy, but if it were up to me we would have this kinda snow all year round, probably for the best.
have a nice xmas!

Good point. Although there are certain non-drastic/standard measures people take to improving on what they have/feeling good about themselves. You know, like straightening hair with a flat iron, shaving beards, working out a bit, etc. And I know TONNES of guys who pluck their unibrows. I'm sure Madonna is concentrating on bringing her daughter up to be a well rounded educated female however I just feel that 2 minutes with the tweezers wouldn't do any harm 

thanxxxxxx for ur commet! =D=D
kiseXxx from argentina!
kiseXxx from argentina!
I do like your Christmas wish lists
And thank you for the wishes for myself - but I won't be needing a wig

And thank you for the wishes for myself - but I won't be needing a wig

I love that one. I mean, the one I bought was cool, but I LOVE this one. 

I think that trust and commitment are the corner stones/ building blocks.
It's a bit like my job. I can run through a call with a guy in 5 minutes, and that is from start to finish with him cumming all over himself, but I can also milk that same guy for 35-40 minutes when I feel like it.
It's about the commitment. The desire to see it through and the pleasure you get from it at the end. For me that is the nice fat pay check, for him it's the sticky mess on his hand/belly/table/you get the idea.
Also, if it is something that a person is a part of simply to get things done, I have found that they are less apt to talk about it in front of people that have nothing to do with it. All of my friends know what I do, but very few of them bring it up for more then a few minutes when we hang out and then it is usually to hear a funny story or to check up on a certain caller.
On a side note, I find your profile picture sexy as hell.