My friend turned 20 today. And she wanted to get champaign so thats what we did, but she didnt tell me her car is a piece of junk. Its been rusting out in the lot for some time and she is not a good driver and not stable enough to deal with it. so I had to drive us down to the liquor store. The brakes don't work so I spent the whole drive shifting to neutral and pulling the emergency brake (which also didnt work too well). It was a scary ride. Pedestrians kept making me stop for them, like pedestrians do, they didnt know the trouble this entailed and when I could I swerved out of their way instead. The gear got stuck in Park in the middle of Route 1 (a busy road)(i'd had to put it in Park to start back up bc it shut off on me). People kept honking like I give a shit. haha my buddy in the back was laughing his ass off. B day girl said we should have just walked i said thats bullshit we would have missed out on a lot of fun. So now we're gonna try and take that beater for a ride once a week or so. actually we probably wont.
when I got back I found i'd left my door unlocked and someone stacked those giant trash cans from the hallway into a pyramid in my room. ha. I like it when people pull pranks on me. It makes me feel loved. Anyhoo we cooked up some rice crispies and stuck in the candles and were gonna do it all outside in the sun but out of nowhere it rained.
The switching back and forth on the gears reminded of this crazy trip I made a few years back, through the dirt roads of a place in Australia called Shoalwater Bay. although not nearly as scary. It's a huge training grounds, I was in the Marine Corps and there's range down there to do some ops that from what people tell me just arent possible elsewhere. So was driving a humvee to the rifle range and I got stuck with a fucked up ambulance-humvee and The Corpsman Who Couldnt Stop Talking. Worst drive i have ever been on. The transmition was fucked to hell and the engine kept shutting off in the middle of the road and I'd have to shift to neutral and start it up again while I was driving. It did this during turns sometimes too and I'd have to strongarm the wheel while I was doing this. And like I said the gearshift kept getting stuck. I was in a convoy and having the hardest time keeping up. The vehicle in front of me was a 5-ton (which isa giant truck) and it was kicking up so much dirt in the air. I was driving in a cloud of dust, following a slightly thicker cloud of dust and hoping not to die. Wanting to throttle that asshole corpsman in the passenger seat. A corpsman is a member of the Navy who considers himself to be a doctor but really he's a nurse. This guy was so fucking annoying. He just wouldhnt shut up. The dust was so thick. And the engine would fade to slowmo at every hill that didnt kill the engine. When I finally got to the top, I'd have to speed up to catch up and the vehicles behind me kept calling in on the radio like they didnt know what was going on. There were a few near-collisions. Once the road narrowed to a bridge riight in front of me and a 5ton surfaced through the dust on the bridge. it took me a moment to realize that it wasnt the vehicle ahead of me in the convoy, IT WAS DRIVING TOWARDS ME. we both slammed on the brakes, he stopped cause he was on pavement and I skidded a little. I think my heart stopped. till the doc started freaking out and then I remembered I wanted to kill him. and it went into overkill baboomboomboom. my heart i mean. On one steep turn, the engine shut off and the gear got stuck and I couldnt tell where it was, of course i was flipping the ignition and muscling the wheel when it finally came unstuck and flipped through where I wanted to put it and into revrse, the hummer spun out of the road. What a terrifying trip. I think the worst part was the company. It was a long drive and I grew to dislike him from the first sentence i heard him speak. And of course there were plenty more. I was playing catchup from the engine dying all the time, and most of the time I couldnt see where I was going through all that dirt. On the way back the road turned crazy all of a sudden one time and I couldnt really see it until too late so I lost control. an Australian rose through the dust walking with his rifle on the side of the road. I thank God I didnt hit him. I was gunning it and he wouold have been dead for sure.
so there goes today's story. I wanted to talk about something else but no time now, I have to write a huge philsophy paper by Thursday and read a big book (THe God of Small Things) by yesterday. I dont know why I'm writing this. Maybe as a way of putting off the stuff I dont want to do.
when I got back I found i'd left my door unlocked and someone stacked those giant trash cans from the hallway into a pyramid in my room. ha. I like it when people pull pranks on me. It makes me feel loved. Anyhoo we cooked up some rice crispies and stuck in the candles and were gonna do it all outside in the sun but out of nowhere it rained.
The switching back and forth on the gears reminded of this crazy trip I made a few years back, through the dirt roads of a place in Australia called Shoalwater Bay. although not nearly as scary. It's a huge training grounds, I was in the Marine Corps and there's range down there to do some ops that from what people tell me just arent possible elsewhere. So was driving a humvee to the rifle range and I got stuck with a fucked up ambulance-humvee and The Corpsman Who Couldnt Stop Talking. Worst drive i have ever been on. The transmition was fucked to hell and the engine kept shutting off in the middle of the road and I'd have to shift to neutral and start it up again while I was driving. It did this during turns sometimes too and I'd have to strongarm the wheel while I was doing this. And like I said the gearshift kept getting stuck. I was in a convoy and having the hardest time keeping up. The vehicle in front of me was a 5-ton (which isa giant truck) and it was kicking up so much dirt in the air. I was driving in a cloud of dust, following a slightly thicker cloud of dust and hoping not to die. Wanting to throttle that asshole corpsman in the passenger seat. A corpsman is a member of the Navy who considers himself to be a doctor but really he's a nurse. This guy was so fucking annoying. He just wouldhnt shut up. The dust was so thick. And the engine would fade to slowmo at every hill that didnt kill the engine. When I finally got to the top, I'd have to speed up to catch up and the vehicles behind me kept calling in on the radio like they didnt know what was going on. There were a few near-collisions. Once the road narrowed to a bridge riight in front of me and a 5ton surfaced through the dust on the bridge. it took me a moment to realize that it wasnt the vehicle ahead of me in the convoy, IT WAS DRIVING TOWARDS ME. we both slammed on the brakes, he stopped cause he was on pavement and I skidded a little. I think my heart stopped. till the doc started freaking out and then I remembered I wanted to kill him. and it went into overkill baboomboomboom. my heart i mean. On one steep turn, the engine shut off and the gear got stuck and I couldnt tell where it was, of course i was flipping the ignition and muscling the wheel when it finally came unstuck and flipped through where I wanted to put it and into revrse, the hummer spun out of the road. What a terrifying trip. I think the worst part was the company. It was a long drive and I grew to dislike him from the first sentence i heard him speak. And of course there were plenty more. I was playing catchup from the engine dying all the time, and most of the time I couldnt see where I was going through all that dirt. On the way back the road turned crazy all of a sudden one time and I couldnt really see it until too late so I lost control. an Australian rose through the dust walking with his rifle on the side of the road. I thank God I didnt hit him. I was gunning it and he wouold have been dead for sure.
so there goes today's story. I wanted to talk about something else but no time now, I have to write a huge philsophy paper by Thursday and read a big book (THe God of Small Things) by yesterday. I dont know why I'm writing this. Maybe as a way of putting off the stuff I dont want to do.
you seem to have pretty awesome driving skills