I've definitely found myself growing more antisocial. I definitely get out less.
I've lost 10 lbs since I quit drinking. I dunno whether or not I actually feel better, but at least I'm in control and I'm saving money like crazy. I've had 2 drinks since I quit. One to celebrate Obama's reelection, and one to celebrate a month of not drinking all the time. I suppose they're wrong about the whole not being able to control yourself or being able to stop once you take a sip. Either that or I must have crazy willpower that no one else seems to possess.
The argument between my roommate and I cleared up. She's rather shallow. I swear it only took her getting angry at someone else for all that rage directed at me to just vanish.
I'm moving back into my cozy old house. A little at a time, I bring more and more of my stuff to town with me and leave it back at my old house. My sister is supposedly moving in there to help me pay rent. I've lived with her before at least. Should be totally chill.
So 3 of my classes next semester are online. That should be interesting. I'mma have to be on top of things and try to work ahead as much as possible. Definitely can't afford to forget to check the interwebz frequently for assignments, etc. I'm also switching my major from chemical engineering to electrical engineering. I'm thinking I want to go into some sort of research involving electricity and new, better types of generators. Maybe find some way to make energy virtually free for everyone. Chemical engineering seems to be mostly focused on process engineering for the most part. Effectively, chemical engineers just find ways to mass produce what's already been discovered. Maybe I'm wrong. I just didn't see a whole lot of research opportunities for what I'd want to do with it.
I'm aware no one really reads this blog. That's fine. I suppose I mostly just write it to get things off my chest. I can think and articulate what I actually want to say rather than have the pressure of an immediate response or any sort of judgment related to what I'm saying. Yeah, I should really just write in a journal, especially since pretty much everyone who comes on here is looking to masturbate to a gorgeous tattooed/pierced model.
I've lost 10 lbs since I quit drinking. I dunno whether or not I actually feel better, but at least I'm in control and I'm saving money like crazy. I've had 2 drinks since I quit. One to celebrate Obama's reelection, and one to celebrate a month of not drinking all the time. I suppose they're wrong about the whole not being able to control yourself or being able to stop once you take a sip. Either that or I must have crazy willpower that no one else seems to possess.
The argument between my roommate and I cleared up. She's rather shallow. I swear it only took her getting angry at someone else for all that rage directed at me to just vanish.
I'm moving back into my cozy old house. A little at a time, I bring more and more of my stuff to town with me and leave it back at my old house. My sister is supposedly moving in there to help me pay rent. I've lived with her before at least. Should be totally chill.
So 3 of my classes next semester are online. That should be interesting. I'mma have to be on top of things and try to work ahead as much as possible. Definitely can't afford to forget to check the interwebz frequently for assignments, etc. I'm also switching my major from chemical engineering to electrical engineering. I'm thinking I want to go into some sort of research involving electricity and new, better types of generators. Maybe find some way to make energy virtually free for everyone. Chemical engineering seems to be mostly focused on process engineering for the most part. Effectively, chemical engineers just find ways to mass produce what's already been discovered. Maybe I'm wrong. I just didn't see a whole lot of research opportunities for what I'd want to do with it.
I'm aware no one really reads this blog. That's fine. I suppose I mostly just write it to get things off my chest. I can think and articulate what I actually want to say rather than have the pressure of an immediate response or any sort of judgment related to what I'm saying. Yeah, I should really just write in a journal, especially since pretty much everyone who comes on here is looking to masturbate to a gorgeous tattooed/pierced model.