Thanks for the well wishes on the flowers....If I don't get some from anyone else, there's a little Pakistani guy who stands on the side of the road and sells like 2 dozen roses for $10, I'll hook myself up!!!
Isn't it great to have one of those friends you can tell everything to, and absolutely love with all your heart, as your friend???
Worked some more on one of my new songs today. If I play it in the right setting down here it could probably get my ass kicked, but it'll be a Helluvalotta fun. It's gonna have a loud Twilight Zoney Sonic Youthy Neil Young & Crazy Horsey feedbacky electric guitar/keyboard onslaught with an acoustic mountain musicy hillbilly-y part and with percussion done on my Native... Read More
Well, I'm in great spirits. My friend's 11 year-old son Adam was kidnapped by a convicted child molester here in North Central Florida theother day and he was found last night in Georgia safe in the woods - they're still looking for the fucker that took him. Apparently he was not physically abused and appears emotionally intact.
yeah when the comp loads it says something about
system.ini refers to this device file but device file no longer exists. something about windows registry.
something about vredir.vxd some dynamic link library
something about a msnp32.dll
and a bunch of other shit. it gives me the illegal operation thingy alot now too. also some more stuff because i fucked it up again trying to fix it yesterday.
stupid computer.
i know nothing about computers and i dont know how to learn.
but hey atleast i didnt cause these problems. i'm not THAT stupid..
p.s. i plan on crapping in one of his hats. muahaha
Havn't updated in a while, but mostly due to frustration over typing a really long post last week about someone with whom I shouldn't get involved and trying to make a decision and baring the very Stygian depths of my soul in this journal and then the fucker didn't load and it was gone forever and it was really late and I had to nap... Read More
Rationalization and justification are just masturbation of the mind.
"Poetry is nothing more than an intensification or illumination of common objects and everyday events until they shine with their singular nature, until we can experience their power, until we can follow their steps in the dance, until we can discern what parts they play in the Great Order of Love." -Tom Robbins
but no seriously. why do i put up w/ it? because of my situation right now. I have no where to go honestly and I dont really know anybody here. I have like 3 acquatances 1 is here to vist for 3 months and the other 2 live together who are trying the put out or get out if you move in plus pay like 300 month rent so uhm no. not cute enough! lol!
and uhm. Theres alot to my life but I rather not type all up in this biotch because ppl would think i want their sympathy and I dont. I just want to be some what normal like everyone else and come here and get away and have a good time. hell yeah if anyone out there wants to move me in and shiott i'm all on that shit. but I"m not gonna like advertise my shiott and stuff because. I dunno. It'll come out eventually. like a writer.
He'll get his anyways. kharmas a bitch and hell hath no fury like a womans scorn.....
Yeah I should probably not take laxatives unless I'm full of sht. Last night was eventful. I'll write about it a little bit in my journal (has to do with colo zone so I KNOW youre interested!! hehe)
Nobodys kicked my roomates ass. I doubt anyone would suspect he does the things he does. I never would have. because he's sorta femine acting and stupid. I kick his ass sometimes but not seriously. I throw blunt objects at him and tell him to shut the fuck up and stuff. i'm reallyl mean. maybe thats why he's doing it. who knows haha. eeeh.
If I had somewhere to go I would make sure he got his ass beat but I dont.
yeah I'm a bit of an alchie. I mean I dont drink much anymore and I really cant hold my own anymore either (NOT AT ALL!! haha) but I love to drink.
Wow thats some shit. taking some drunk lady home for her when she passed out. Thats really cool of you. She got lucky as fuck. (so was it you that slipped her the mickie or someone else? haha)
Yeah i really need to watch my drinking. It gets me in alot of trouble even when I dont think I'm gonna do anything. its bad. bad. bad.
Do You Sing Any Dylan?
At the age of nineteen, I was young, I was keen
And I had just one burning ambition
To be a folk singer, a dope-smoking swinger
Singing songs that were steeped in tradition
/ C - F - / C - G - / C - F - / C G C - /
So I bought a guitar and... Read More
Just a quick Happy New Year to anyone else out there who either doesn't have a life or anything to do out there or are in a different time zone and haven't gone out yet.
As they say in Philadelphia, Yee Fuckin' Haaaaa!!!! I just won a Red Sunburst Peavey Predator guitar on ebay!!!! Only $61, too! (55 S&H). I'm about to order SG sticker for it - It's so pretty and perfect I gotta fuck around with it a little. Besides, if it's good enough for Dave Grohl it's good enough for me! Never played a Peavey guitar, but... Read More