Well, there's been a lot of "If it walks like a duck . . . " quoting in journals and threads lately, so I though y'awl might like this site: http://anniescostumes.com/duck.htm
Click it! Do it now! I said "NOW!"
And remember, the concept of free enterprise does not guarantee suck-cess:
Dumb Quote of the Day: My sister's expecting a baby, and I don't know if I'm going to be an uncle or an aunt - Chuck Nevitt, North Carolina State basketball player, explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice
Anybody have suggestions for anti-V-Day songs we can do at our V-Day gig? She Fuckin' Hates Me, I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her, I Hate Everything About You, Love Hurts, Hank Williams Sr's I'll Be A Bachelor Till I Die and Window Shopping, Sam Kinisin's version of Wild Thing and a few others we're rehearsing.
We're also doing songs paying tribute to the real True Love: Friendship.
Any song suggestions for either topic will be appreciated!
Click it! Do it now! I said "NOW!"
And remember, the concept of free enterprise does not guarantee suck-cess:

Dumb Quote of the Day: My sister's expecting a baby, and I don't know if I'm going to be an uncle or an aunt - Chuck Nevitt, North Carolina State basketball player, explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice
Anybody have suggestions for anti-V-Day songs we can do at our V-Day gig? She Fuckin' Hates Me, I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her, I Hate Everything About You, Love Hurts, Hank Williams Sr's I'll Be A Bachelor Till I Die and Window Shopping, Sam Kinisin's version of Wild Thing and a few others we're rehearsing.
We're also doing songs paying tribute to the real True Love: Friendship.
Any song suggestions for either topic will be appreciated!

It was nice, but I am already home this morning.....I just wish once he would want to spend a day doing nothing with me....just normal Saturday (or Sunday) errands, hanging out, etc....sorry, just being whiny now!!!
How was your night?