For those who haven't seen my blogs, which is probably a good amount as I'm not as dedicated of a blogger as I could be, I'll start off by saying I'm in a long distance relationship. Neither of us are currently financially able move with the other one. We take a week every 4 to 6 months to visit each other. One of those weeks just ended.
We had a great time. I got to experience doing the simple little things that non-LD couples get to do and possibly take for granted. I love it, and to my surprise, my roommate, who never goes anywhere left for the weekend and my girlfriend and I for the first time ever got to spend time on our own being an actual couple. She lives with family so we don't get much alone time when I'm with her and I have my roommate so yeah.
Now that she had to go back home, all the little things that I normally did on my own, that I did with her while she was here, have lost their magic. I've already allowed myself to cry a few times, especially when I realized I had no one to hug, yes, I'm lonely. I'm sure I'll shed a few more tears as it's almost bed time and it's back to being just me in bed.
All will pass within the week as 'real life' takes over again, but it still doesn't make things better. We're doing what we can to make this way of a relationship a thing of the past so we can just be together, but it's hard. To all of you in LD relationships, the best of luck to you.