Today I got yet another notice that I had not been hired at the Mayo Clinic. I know it's quite hard to get into and I've applied and been rejected before, but this rejection hit fairly hard because it came to my inbox exactly 24 hrs after the first interview. It's made me question my own abilities. I was feeling so-so about how I did on the interview and I'm waiting to for the 'reason' why I didn't get the job, but I've never had such a quick turn around after an interview.
I currently work in a tech support call center for a local ISP. This being said I have no degree in IT or formal training. I'm mostly self taught. I have considered going back to school for an IT degree, but I need to find something work for me schedule and financial wise.
I don't want to 'bash' (no pun intended) anyone who has a degree. It's just that for me no matter where I've worked at I've always been edged out by the person with the 'piece of paper' with no or little real world experience. A good example is the decade I spent working in theatrical tech. A 'professional' sound designer, with a degree, was asking questions that should have been known by just attending a 101 class. A good example being asking how the gauge number of a wire corresponds to the size of the wire getting thicker or thinner. For those who don't know the higher a wire gauge number the thinner the wire and vise-versa.
I bring that up because I'm questioning if I made the right decision by not going for something other than generals when I first went to college. I wasn't as into tech then as I am now so I wouldn't have gone for tech, but who knows maybe something else would have come up. Be it purposefully or not I've been made to feel inferior to those with degrees. This mainly came/comes from those with egos that need stroking and/or idiot managers that have no business being managers... oh do I have stories about managers like that.
I've also considered moving with the whole 'move away from crap life' ideology. That, however is a flawed ideology. I live in a small farming community and I have no interest in being a small town farmer. There's a good deal to like about where I live, but there's also a good deal to dislike. I suppose that's how it is with pretty much any place. I do have a place I could potentially move to, but while I'd be away from all the bad portions here I would basically be starting from scratch out there with no promise of success, so that would require more thought. Too bad life's not a movie, because then moving would work out great for me.
I guess I feel like I'm going no where and a part of it being where I live. I want to be clear that I'm not saying that everything it everyone else's fault but mine and that the world is out to get me. I most likely could be doing more for myself. I have done a lot, with not much reward so while it's frustrating I need to keep trying. Perhaps I need to take a mini-vacation over a weekend. I wish I knew of some other members of this site who are in my area as even meeting up for a beer or something would be pretty cool. A big thank you to @midnightsun for the offer is we're ever in the same area, and if you've read this far, thanks for reading and letting me vent a bit. I'm feeling a little better now. I'm going to try to get some sleep in the hope that a hopefully good night's sleep will help me even even better. Goodnight, all.