I'm thrilled to say that i'm a proud owner of a new camera. I went out and bought a Nikon D50 today.
Super Bowl was fun yesterday, enjoyed the game with some friends. It was awesome being able to watch the game, first time in three years so i was happy. Watched the game then ended up playing some board game till around ten hih... Read More
you've done nothing hun...it's the new Army boy I've been seeing, he's just like the old one. They can't seem to be able to hang out with just one girl.
well had a pretty eventful weekend. broke up with my girfriend that was overseas. it sucks because the distance thing really got to both of us and everytime we were on the phone we really didnt talk about anything. it was frusterating to both of us. then i had been working on some house plans for my grandparents for a while now got them into... Read More
hope everyone is doing great sorry i havent updated in forever. I was gone all last week doing some army training and recovered a little on monday. I had the day off it was great i got the brakes done on my truck so they are all nice again. well drop me a line if you get... Read More
had a pretty good first party at my place yesterday but now i have the fun lil headache reminder that i had some alcohol last night. other than that it was a success i think the only casualty was a margarita glass....not too bad. the house is all decorated for christmas. tree is up and i decided i'm not doing lights outside for just one... Read More
hope everyone had a good weekend. Had some friends over for Poker Friday night, worked all day saturday here just doing random stuff and got a couple rooms painted. Then in the evening had some more friends over and made a wonderful discovery. I'm not one for mixed drinks and even less for making them so when i was shopping i stumbled across a bacardi... Read More
not too much been goin on. Went to see Avenged Sevenfold on thursday, i had a blast. Bullets and Octane opened up and i was impressed very good sound. Only thing that bugged was the lead singer shakin his ass so much, not really my thing. The rest of the show was pretty awesome Well it turns out i seriously hurt my back last weekend.... Read More
how was thanksgiving for everyone? Mine was aweome. I'd been away from my family the last two years because of army stuff and it was awesome being back here with them. My family is a bunch of nerds, all the kids ended up playing halo 2 and battlefront 2 all day which was a blast I have a lot to be thankful for this year.... Read More
My new tat is going to be a matched set with the one I already have (a Hawaiian tribal of a bird on my pelvis). The one I have is on the right, and the new one's going to be a bear on my left.
I friend of mine called tattoos like that (pardon my french) "pussy antlers." I think mine are more "ovary protectors." Hmph.