it was brought to my attention that i suck at updating.
things are good
i flew up to minnesota for a friends wedding. last night we got completely thrashed. went out to dinner, then bought some booze and came back to the hotel. then we hit some bars downtown and ended up in some club. wedding rehearsal is tonight. it should be ok. i'll fly back to San Diego sunday.
I get to sign my loan documents on monday for my house. Tuesday i do a walk through and the 15th i should move in. its gonna be awesome.
I'm getting my new drumset on the 19th. My girlfriend helped me pay for it for my birthday which i thought was amazing. best present ever.
Other than that not too much going on. just trying to get rid of the hangover
hope everyone is doin great. i'll put a pic of the house up too. so check out my pics

things are good
i flew up to minnesota for a friends wedding. last night we got completely thrashed. went out to dinner, then bought some booze and came back to the hotel. then we hit some bars downtown and ended up in some club. wedding rehearsal is tonight. it should be ok. i'll fly back to San Diego sunday.
I get to sign my loan documents on monday for my house. Tuesday i do a walk through and the 15th i should move in. its gonna be awesome.
I'm getting my new drumset on the 19th. My girlfriend helped me pay for it for my birthday which i thought was amazing. best present ever.
Other than that not too much going on. just trying to get rid of the hangover
