sorry for such a long time between updates but i've just been busy....shoot me
last week was good and bad, mostly good. I went to a couple shows. Wed i saw Thrice and it was an awesome show. I got a chance to meet the guys after the show and they are way down to earth cool guys. Friday i saw Avenged Sevenfold and again a good show. I hate the fact that they are becoming so mainstream but its what they really wanted. But they still put on a heck of a show. I was more impressed by Opiate for the Masses which opened up. Holy crap theyre drummer is a show off but he really is good. All you see are sticks flying, arms and hair waving while the sounds of double bass cuts through. good stuff. met those guys up at the merch table and they were wicked cool too.
Now the reason last week was not so good. I went to check out the progress on my house and as i was going in the driveway to the housing development i drive into a missing portion of the road. no fucking sign or nothing it looked like just dirt on the pavement and well it wasnt. i broke the bumper on my eclipse which blows because i need to sell the car so now i have to replace the bumper and then sell it.
but such is life......
hope everyone is well ttyl

Now the reason last week was not so good. I went to check out the progress on my house and as i was going in the driveway to the housing development i drive into a missing portion of the road. no fucking sign or nothing it looked like just dirt on the pavement and well it wasnt. i broke the bumper on my eclipse which blows because i need to sell the car so now i have to replace the bumper and then sell it.

hope everyone is well ttyl
thank you

that would be so super cool!!!