Did you hear that Coachella brought Tupac back to life via hologram over the weekend? No?! Where the f*ck have you been?! It's EVERYWHERE. Seriously. I hear Marilyn Hagerty is writing up an op ed as I type.
OK, maybe not. But the rest of the internet has certainly chimed in, in only the way the internet can. By not really making fun of it. Not really applauding it. Just sort of ambiguously deriving laughs from how GD weird it was despite the pretty amazing advancement in technology.
I suggest taking in all the hologram fun you can right this second, because soon enough Hologram Tupac is going to be touring and prompting the rights holders to other dead artists to do the same, and the awesomeness that is hologram technology in theory will only inspire "ughs" and fart noises and the inclination to punch strangers in the face
And for all the support!