Hey everyone! Zebrah & Kurosune's hot multi is finally out in MR!!!
Lyrics of Love
Please check it out and show it some serious love! We had so much fun shooting this! And what made it even better was having our sexy friends Amarena & Pogoe make a little cameo in it!
Also if you have a Zivity account come and see Zebrah's first set Fallen Guardian!
And if you don't have a membership just send me a pm with your email and I will send you a trial membership.
Alrighty well that's all for now. I've been really sick the past few days. I've just been going from the bed to the sofa and back again.
But today I think I'm finally starting to get better. So back to rest, meds, and liquids I go! Talk to ya all later! 
Lyrics of Love

Please check it out and show it some serious love! We had so much fun shooting this! And what made it even better was having our sexy friends Amarena & Pogoe make a little cameo in it!

Also if you have a Zivity account come and see Zebrah's first set Fallen Guardian!

And if you don't have a membership just send me a pm with your email and I will send you a trial membership.
Alrighty well that's all for now. I've been really sick the past few days. I've just been going from the bed to the sofa and back again.

xoxox you complete me women i cant wait to see you again!!! may hurry up!!!
it may not be on a cake but here ya go <3