Alright I think I finally have a few minutes... or so, to tell you about my fabulous weekend. It started with my 5 hour drive to Columbus on Friday where I met with the cutie patootie Pogoe to shoot a set for her. Unfortunately since it was so last minute we ended up using my very shitty hotel room. And then played the fun game of oh shit don't get that (place random ugly item here) in the background. We even thought about naming the set "ugly picture" because the "art" on the walls were ridiculous!! But we didn't want to invite assholes to start insulting the set lol. Here's a little preview...

Then on Saturday Decklynn, Pettis, and AggroAbe drove down to meet/ share a hotel with me. It took a little while but we finally made our way to the convention (I'm not the best at maneuvering a big unfamiliar city) and it didn't help to have 3 backseat drivers lol or at least that's my excuse
Although AggroAbe"s new iPhone 4S to did try to show us to the nearest escorts and body dumping site. Hahaha that phone is hilarious!
We had a great time at the convention. We did some shopping, hanging out with new and old friends at the SG booth and me and Pettis even got some whisker tattoos at Olde North's booth. Where the always gorgeous Patton was. It was so great getting the chance to meet and hang out with her!

And I gotta say it was so strange having people call out and know my name that I've never met before or want to take pictures of or with us. I can't say I hated it
but it was a different experience!
That night I had to enlist Pettis to help me get ready. I was a zombie beauty queen and she did an awesome job fucking up my hair lol. And Decklynn and Zephyr were so kind to help smear makeup on my boobs
We had such a fun time at the party! I just wish we weren't all so exhausted from the long day. And of course the morning came too soon. I woke up feeling shitty but still against my better judgement decided to get out of bed and go to the convention again. But I was in no way going to wear a corset and heels again! or contacts... or much makeup... damn I kinda looked like crap! Oh well. After a little while I started to get some more pep and had a fun time hanging at the SG booth some more. Between the 2 days I got to spend time with Tovi, Rainbow, Patton, Rourke, Alissa, Lego, Epiic, Leilee, LillithVain, and Damsel at the booth and even more girls (and guys) at the party: Zebrah, Cashmir, Radeo, Frolic, King, Kewpie, Sunshine, Bitten, Zephyr, Cassanova, Creepy and so many more people!!!
After the last day of the convention some of us went to dinner at Dirty Franks and listened to some funny stories. Alissa is a hoot and a half!! Then I just went home packed my stuff and hit the road early Monday morning. Which really sucked that I had to leave because I didn't get to stay and perv on Lego and Leilee's shoots with Alissa!
Maybe next time! Alright well I gotta go so I will leave you with an insane photodump! If you even made it to the end of this blog!

Pretty Kitties!

Damn a couple of my pics won't upload!

Then on Saturday Decklynn, Pettis, and AggroAbe drove down to meet/ share a hotel with me. It took a little while but we finally made our way to the convention (I'm not the best at maneuvering a big unfamiliar city) and it didn't help to have 3 backseat drivers lol or at least that's my excuse

We had a great time at the convention. We did some shopping, hanging out with new and old friends at the SG booth and me and Pettis even got some whisker tattoos at Olde North's booth. Where the always gorgeous Patton was. It was so great getting the chance to meet and hang out with her!

And I gotta say it was so strange having people call out and know my name that I've never met before or want to take pictures of or with us. I can't say I hated it

That night I had to enlist Pettis to help me get ready. I was a zombie beauty queen and she did an awesome job fucking up my hair lol. And Decklynn and Zephyr were so kind to help smear makeup on my boobs

We had such a fun time at the party! I just wish we weren't all so exhausted from the long day. And of course the morning came too soon. I woke up feeling shitty but still against my better judgement decided to get out of bed and go to the convention again. But I was in no way going to wear a corset and heels again! or contacts... or much makeup... damn I kinda looked like crap! Oh well. After a little while I started to get some more pep and had a fun time hanging at the SG booth some more. Between the 2 days I got to spend time with Tovi, Rainbow, Patton, Rourke, Alissa, Lego, Epiic, Leilee, LillithVain, and Damsel at the booth and even more girls (and guys) at the party: Zebrah, Cashmir, Radeo, Frolic, King, Kewpie, Sunshine, Bitten, Zephyr, Cassanova, Creepy and so many more people!!!
After the last day of the convention some of us went to dinner at Dirty Franks and listened to some funny stories. Alissa is a hoot and a half!! Then I just went home packed my stuff and hit the road early Monday morning. Which really sucked that I had to leave because I didn't get to stay and perv on Lego and Leilee's shoots with Alissa!

Pretty Kitties!

Damn a couple of my pics won't upload!
I'm sure we'll run into each other again in the near future! I'm already booking up my vacation days for next year's conventions and such!