Hello Everyone!! So I think I'm finally gonna grow a pair and make a change with my hair. I keep reminding myself its only hair, it will grow and I can always re- dye it if I hate it. I plan on cutting a chunk off (I have such long hair though that even after doing that it will still be kinda long). Then its back to black. But this time I want to add some color highlights. (which I've never done before) I'm thinking some shade of pink, red or purple. Any thoughts anyone? I'm also going to see my tattoo guy to trace my arm so he can sketch something up for it. I have an appointment next weekend to work on it. (The arm with the gypsy sugar skull) I've just been itching to get some more ink. I have a long list of things I want
Alright well thats all for now! Have a great weekend! And to those of you at Hell City, you suck! Haha just kidding! I'm just wishing I was there with you all! Have a great time and do something crazy for me

Alright well thats all for now! Have a great weekend! And to those of you at Hell City, you suck! Haha just kidding! I'm just wishing I was there with you all! Have a great time and do something crazy for me

Change it up, do something, and be awesome!
Simple as that. I'm sure you'll rock it.
I'll leave the opinions to the pros while I just admire the result.