Study break!! For a minute anyways. I've written 3 essays so far today. I'm not sure how many more I will do today but I need to get this practical finished ASAP. I only have 8 skill sheets left to finish out of 34 so I'm not doing too bad. I'm just really ready to move on to my next semester. I only have 2 more left!! Then I just have to pass my boards and I'll be a certified vet tech.! Ha! If I pass lol I'm the kind of person that is much better with hands on testing and vebally explaining than I am with a paper and pencil. So we'll just have to wait and see!
Masquerade wants you!

Masquerade wants you!
It was great. Now next weekend will be Roller Derby and after party and after,-after party
Our team is just going into their 3 season (first season wasn't but a couple of games). Last season was great, always loads of fun. My nephew's girlfriend plays so we always get to go to all the parties and after parties. Loads of fun with cute tattoo loving fun girls. You can never go wrong there, haha.