wow i have gone through so much crap in the last week, im going to declare it crapola week. I havent been on in a few days, mostly cause i've been too busy. I hate being in the military with a passion some days, and some days i really like it. Today, was actually a good day, the weather was greatt, i got some work done, and no one gave me any shit. I like those days, its those kinda days that make me happy to be in the military. Even our first sergeant was cool, which is weird cause hes never cool. But despite all of that this is still shitola week. My friend Vance is right now being arrested for disrespecting a commissioned officer cause he told the commander to fuck off. My other friend is getting a negative counseling for missing a bullshit formation that he there was no way he could make it and the other one was on leave and they're still trying to get him. I think this has basically become my venting journal, which is cool cause i like to vent occasionally. I just wish that someone would read this occasionally and give me some feedback. I would like to know one thing, if a motherfucker came up to you drunk as shit and you were drunk as shit(and only 20) and he told you to punch him in the face cause you werent a punk if you didn't do it, would you do it and conform, or would you deny him and say fuck you ill do what i want? I had this happen to me at a party, and i refused on the basis of i dont like jail, and i hate fighting anyways. I dont understand needless fighting, i dont mind violence, but fighting and violence are two different things. Violence can be kept in check, all out fighting is just to hurt someone as much as possible as fast as possible. I fight, either me or him was going to the hospital, its just the way i am. So i guess what im sayin is, am i less of a punk cause i refused, or a true punk to the core, cause i think im more true to being punk, but i wanna hear other peoples reactions.
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Monday Feb 28, 2005
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Sunday Feb 27, 2005
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